Dear Diary 11

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Author's Narrative:

What Jungkook has no idea is that little Minnie, has been sneaking the little diary every day to Jimin.

Jimin knew how sorry and how devastated his husband is, but something in him want him to play with Jungkook more, and test if his husband is really a changed man or not.

In fact, his alien-looking friend has been pestering him to stop playing with his husband's heart. He can't bear to see Jungkook's devastated look, also he is afraid that Jungkook will tear down his house anytime soon if Jimin continues to stay here with him. Not that he minds of course.

It is a miracle that Jimin recovered from a terminal illness.

He almost flatlined when he is on the cold metal bed when the doctors are performing magic on him.

In the darkness, he heard a familiar voice saying "Jiminie, is not your time yet honey, you are way too young, and your family is still waiting for you to go back to them, so you have to fight, FIGHT! Jimin" and fight he did.

Pictures upon pictures flashes across his mind while he is laying stiff. How he met Jungkook, how Jungkook loved, cared, tend to his every need. Yes, his husband is not perfect, no one is. But Jimin focused on the good, and so it is really a miracle that Jimin is cured and recovered from something that not even science could explain yet.

He knew Jungkook waited for him every day at his old house, waiting for a chance to explain himself.

He knew Jungkook met Dr. Kim and Dr. Min. He knew both the doctor make Jungkook's life a living hell. Heck, he even shed tears because of that.

But he still wasn't sure if Jungkook really changed, until he read everything that his husband wrote.



I don't hate you, I never did.

Remember our wedding vows? Remember what I said?

I said to you...

" Jungkookie, ever since you came into my life, there is nothing else that I want. You are the light, you are the air, you are the elements that make me want to live. I'm not going to promise you that I will be an exemplary wife. But I can promise you that I will be the one that holds your hands every day to tell you how good you are to me and tell you how much I love you every night when we go to bed. Most importantly, you are my everything "

Maybe, all these are just words to you, but I meant them, my love.

I'm not going to lie, my heart breaks when I saw that, but as I said, I understand that people tend to fall out of love from time to time, so I really don't hate you. But seeing that you are happy with someone else, really doesn't sit well with me.

I love you Jungkookie, I didn't change, I still love you, I love your kind-heartedness, I love the way you look at me, I love the way you hold my hand, I love the way you work so hard to provide everything to me and our baby.

Again, I don't hate you, I'm just not sure if you have already changed. So, I'm going to make this decision for you.

Two days from now, at 7 pm, I'll be at the giant tree that you first brought me to on our first date. If you come, I'll never leave you ever again. Just by you coming, I know, you will do everything in your will to stay faithful, so I won't question you ever again, and we can start afresh.

But if you don't come, I understand that as well, don't worry, I won't hate you, we still had a baby together, so maybe we could just co-parent. Maybe we can be friends then. But, I will need you to sign the papers, so that my heart doesn't break as much.

Jungkookie, it is always you, from the start to the end. No one else. FOREVER.

Jeon Jimin.


Author's Note:Second to last chapter.What do you guys think, do you think Jungkook will be there?

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