Dear Diary 12

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Dear Diary

Jimin-ah, I didn't think that you will let me have the chance to talk or to meet you ever again. I thought you would want this over with. Over with me.

But not going to lie, I'm not a hundred percent sure if I'm changed, but I'm trying, and I will not do that or anything else to hurt you. I promise.


Author's Narrative :

Little did both of them know, that this little book is going to end right here after Jungkook's note.

They met the next day, right at the tree. Jimin looking all healthy and petite still, Jungkook still looking like Jungkook, just a little skinnier from all those waiting, and nights that went on without sleep.

There they talked, they hashed out all their differences.

Jungkook promised the smaller, that he will change, and he is changing, and they renewed their vows a week after with Dr. Min and Dr. Kim there. Of course, that little alien-looking friend was there.

Jungkook still had a hard time with him.

That soulmate of his wife kept on teasing Jungkook that he will be taking Jimin away if he finds out that Jungkook does anything wrong. He will be taking and hiding Jimin away if Jimin shed a tear.

But there and then, Jungkook made sure that he will never ever betray, or do anything stupid ever again.

In that sunny, windy, atmosphere filled with love, they stood together, gazing into each other's eyes, searching for the lost love. Jimin knew he can never hate or leave Jungkook, and Jungkook thought one last bad thing he did would cost him his one love.

Sometimes, love is weird, it differs between individuals, some might not be able to accept what Jimin could do and sacrifice willingly, some might understand but not support, and some understand and supports even. So there you go, at the end, love is still love, cherish it in whichever way you could.

*** Fin ***

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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