[ 002 ] the grand escape.

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chapter two, the grand escape.
[ season five, episode one ]

"ODESSA?" THE VOICE IS feminine. It is familiar. It is comforting.

Odessa gasps, her eyes as wide as saucers. Odessa is in disbelief. She can't believe it. The woman standing in front of her is alive. She's here.

"Carol?" She questioned, a smile taking over her lips. "Oh, my God."

She rushes toward. She crashes into the older woman. Carol's arms go around her shoulders. "How'd you find this place?" Odessa asks when she pulls away.

"Followed the tracks," she answers.

"They have them. All of them." Odessa informs her. "Theo and I had a plan but it's going to shit. I had to—"

Carol looks at the dead man tied to the tree. "I know," Carol nodded. "We're gonna get them out, okay? First we gotta find a walker. There's a lot more coming this way."

It doesn't take long to find a walker due to the gunfire drawing them near. Carol guts it and covers her poncho and face with walker blood. Odessa cuts holes in the blanket she has in her bag. Carol covers her next.

The two grab their bags and walk back to the fence where they see five people being dragged away to the compound.

Her dad, Glenn, Daryl, Bob, and Cole.

They have to act now. Before it's too late.

The duo makes their way around the compound and stops in front. Odessa eyes the front of the building. Terminus is spelled out in big letters along the front of the building.

Carol sees the gas tank first. She nudges Odessa and nods to it. The people killing walkers through the fence begin shouting and falling back.

Odessa turns her attention to the direction they were looking and her eyes widen. A lot, a lot of walkers were making their way to Terminus.

"Carol," she whispers. "Blow it up. Blow it up now."

Carol obliges and shoves a firework in the muzzle of her rifle. Odessa's brows knit but she doesn't questions where Carol found a firework.

She nods to Odessa then and the teen takes aim at the propane tank. It only takes two shots for it to spew out. Carol then let lights the firework and covers her ears.

Odessa follows.

Half a second later, an explosion shakes the ground.

The deadly duo stands to their feet with their bags slung over their shoulders and guns hidden under their gut covered blanket and poncho.

They walk among the dead.

When walkers in front of them began dropping, they peel to the side. Carol raises her rifle while Odessa raise hers. At the same time, two men drop.

Walkers turn their attention to the two. Carol grabs Odessa's arm and pulls her back before she slams the door shut.

In the warehouse, Rick Grimes frees himself. He kills the two men and releases his people. "If they got problems, we got a chance." Rick says.

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