[ 021 ] these walls don't mean shit.

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chapter twenty-one, these walls don't mean shit.
[ season six, episode four ]

ALEXANDRIA WAS ONCE SAFE. Sure they lost people. Everyone had lost someone in this new world. But they hadn't experienced loss at a level Rick's group had.

Everywhere Rick and his people went it always seemed to go bad. Hershel's farm. Gabriel's church. And now Alexandria.

Places that were once someone's safe place, their home, always seemed to be destroyed when these outsiders showed up. They didn't belong inside these walls.

They were animals. Feral, foaming at the mouth. They were used to the cruel world outside of Alexandria's walls. More used to than anyone else inside the walls.

The things they'd seen, the things they'd done to get to where they are... the person they once were would go pale if they saw themselves now.

Alexandria was built before the Fall. The walls went up after. Reg Monroe did it with the help of some others. But it was Reg that was the mastermind behind the Alexandria walls.

These horrible, awful people got over the walls. Aaron told— no, he promised Rick's group nothing got in Alexandria without their say so. But that's what just happened.

Ever since they've arrived in this beautiful, unreal place Alexandria has faced its downfall. With the murder of Reg Monroe and the justified execution of Pete Anderson, to people coming over the walls and brutally murdering these innocent people, to now.

When Odessa Grimes hears, "open the gate!" Her heart plummets, her stomach churns. That's the voice of her father. He's panicked.

She rushes from where she helps Theo load a dead man onto a wagon. She comes to a stop as Maggie and Michonne pull the gate open.

Theo Blake pulls himself onto the watch platform. He slings his rifle off of his back and readies it. He takes aim at the walkers closest to Rick. He fires silenced shots into them.

Rick stumbles and falls. Odessa is grabbed by Rosita so she doesn't rush to her father's aid. "Rosita!" She snaps worriedly. But Rick makes it inside just in time. The gates snap shut.

He slumps against the wall and Rosita releases Odessa. She rushes to her father. She falls beside him. "Dad? Dad, are you okay?"

He's covered in sweat and blood. He looks at his daughter. "Des, what happened?" He sees the blood on her clothes.

"People got over the walls," she informs him. "They killed so many people, Dad."

He frowns. How could he let this happen? Rick was supposed to protect these people. Not his children. He was. And instead, here is his daughter. She's on her knees beside him with worry in her eyes and concern in her too big heart. His daughter who may have saved lives today by taking two more.

Two more people added to her list.

She has a list in her notebook. It's written in blue ink. It now consists of sixteen people. She doesn't know all of their names. She just has three names on the entire page.

Shane Walsh, Francis, and Killian

Three monsters. She knows they deserved death. But their names haunt her the most. All for different reasons.

Shane. He mentally exhausted Odesa. He had an affair with her mother. He lied to the Grimes family about Rick's "death." He sexually assaulted her. He drove her to the point of near suicide. He tried to kill her. He tried to kill her father. He stabbed her in the hand. And when the time came... Odessa slit the throat of her own godfather.

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