[ 020 ] make it back.

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chapter twenty, make it back.
[ season six, episode three ]

COLE RACES THROUGH THE woods. The horn. That's all he can think about. Half of the herd broke off. This is all going to hell.

Glenn comes to a stop, Rick and Cole follow. "Try again!" Glenn tells Rick.

"Tobin, it's not stopping. Light it up. You hear me?" Rick says into the walkie. No response. All they hear is static. This makes Cole worry. "Tobin!"

A walker snarls behind them. Rick turns to Michonne. He says her name.

"I got it." She kills the walker quickly.

"Shit! Shit! It was half! Jesus, it was more than half!" Sturgess panics behind them.

"We just gotta stay ahead of them. They walk, we run!" Annie tells the young man.

As they run towards Alexandria, Annie falls.

Glenn and Cole both move to help her up. "It's my ankle," she informs them. Glenn wraps his arm around Annie's waist and she puts her arm over his shoulder.

Rick and the others wait for Michonne and the other two men to catch up. When they do, Rick starts, "alright, listen up. Here's the new plan. I go back, get the RV, circle around the woods on Redding. I'll get in front of them before they get there. I can lead them away again." Rick

"RVs a mile back. I can go with you." David speaks up.

"I'll handle it. Just get home. They might need you there." Rick tells him. "Glenn, Cole, Michonne." He nods for them to follow him away from the others.

They follow after him. "If somethings in front of you, you kill it. No hiding, no waiting. You keep going."

"I'm going with you. You can't do this on your own." Glenn tells him.

"Glenn, I can do this." Rick turns to him.

"You need to help us. We've got to get these people back." Michonne tells Glenn.

"Yeah. Thing is, they aren't all gonna make it." Rick looks at the Alexandrian's.

"Rick." Cole rolls his head, his neck pops.

"You try to save them, you try, but they can't keep up, you keep going. You have to. You make sure you get back." Rick says. His people are more important. They always will be.

A sudden screaming snaps everyone into action.

They all run to where a walker has one of their people. Michonne quickly stabs her katana into the head of walker. It falls off the man.

Cole grimaces at the wound. The walker ripped his throat out. It spews blood. The Alexandrian's look to Rick, asking what to do. Michonne takes the lead and stabs her katana into the man's head, ending his suffering. 

The horn stops blaring. Cole's attention turns to the east. "The horn stopped. Good." He kneels beside the man and takes his gun off of him.

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