[ 013 ] as days go by.

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chapter thirteen, as days go by.
[ season five, episode twelve ]

THE NEXT DAY THEY explore. Odessa and Carl walk side-by-side. Carl pushes Judith in a stroller.

They walk ahead of their father when they hear a gasp. Odessa flinches and looks in the direction the gasp came from.

There is an elderly couple sitting on their front porch together. "Oh my goodness," the lady says. "She is so precious."

"Do you wanna see her?" Carl asks. They both mod eagerly. Carl unstraps Judith from the stroller and walks up the steps. Odessa sighs and follows them up the stairs and onto the porch.

"I'm Natalie Miller and this is my husband, Bob." The old lady says. Immediately, the siblings share a look. Both of them think of their own Bob. A good man they lost along the way here.

"Odessa and Carl Grimes." Odessa says. "And this here, is Judith."

The old man smiles. "You all have beautiful names."

"Thank you." Carl smiles.

"Odessa!" A voice calls. She looks up. Glenn. "Come here."

Odessa gently pats Carl's shoulder and kisses Judith's forehead. Then she smiles at the couple and says, "it was nice to meet you two."

She hops down the steps and joins Glenn. "What's up?" She asks.

"Dry run tomorrow. Both of us, Noah, and Tara are all on the run team now." He tells her.

The same run team Kathleen told her about the night before? If so, then yikes.

"The leader of the team wants us to meet at the armory at 8:00 sharp." Glenn tells her. She nods.

"Do you mind if I record our conversation?" Deanna asks Theo.

"No." He tells her as he looks at the books on shelf.

"You can sit." She tells him and he does. "You're Theo, correct?"

He nods. "And you're Deanna."

Deanna grins and says, "how'd you know?" He can hear the joking sarcasm in her voice. His lips perk upwards.

"How long have you been with the group?" Deanna asks him.

"A while now. About seven, eight months?" It's more of a question than the truth because he doesn't exactly know how long he's been with his group.

"How'd you meet them?" She asks.

She notices the way Theo's body goes rigid. He's shoulder tense and his jaw squares. She can hear his teeth grinding together in the silence they sit in.

"Not good then, huh?" Deanna frowns. "You can be fully honest with me, Theo. This won't go anywhere."

"Why do you record these?" He asks her.

"We're all about transparency here." She tells him exactly what she told Rick in his interview. "Kathleen told me you're good with a rifle. You're a good shot, yes?"

He nods. "All thanks to Sasha and a lot of practice."

"May I ask you a personal question?" Deanna then asks. 

"Haven't you already?" Theo's brows draw together.

Deanna sighs. "Rick says he's killed people. Odessa told me the exact number of people she's killed, fourteen. Daryl told me he's killed. What about you, Theo? Have you killed anyone?"

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