[ 025 ] strangers.

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chapter twenty-five, strangers.
[ season six, episode ten ]

TWO MONTHS HAVE PASSED since they saved Alexandria. They've cleared out all the walker bodies. They burned them. Rain has washed all of the blood from the streets.

They buried what was left of the Anderson's. And they hunted for Deanna's reanimated corpse. But they never found her. Kathleen still goes out and searches for her. So does Spencer. But they don't tell anyone and they don't tell each other.

Spencer has lost his entire family since Rick's group arrived. Kathleen can tell he hates them. She doesn't really blame him. She was angry, too. But she isn't anymore.

Michonne still lives with the Grimes. Theo does too. Daryl does. Carol's moved into the empty house beside them.

Tara lives with Denise now. They're together. They're happy. Odessa isn't jealous. She's happy for them. She just wishes she and Beth got to live happily ever after. But they never will get the chance because Beth Greene is buried under a weeping willow tree outside Atlanta.

Glenn and Maggie live by themselves now. Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene all still live together in the house beside Rick's family. Sasha lives alone in a house not far from the infirmary.

Everyone is still within shouting distance of each other. They are never too far apart.

Carl's alive. He survived a gunshot straight to the eye. He did lose the eye. It's been hard for him to come to terms with it. It still is. He's had his family right there with him through the whole thing though. They haven't given up on him. Nothing in the home has changed. Carl is thankful for it.

Odessa's wound has healed all the way. It left a nasty scar but what's new? She already has many, many scars. What's one more?

Cole and Kathleen made it official as well. He lives with her now. Theo called him crazy for moving in with her so fast but Odessa popped him on the top of the hand for that comment. She told him to let Cole live his life because you never know when it will end.

Theo rolled his eyes when she told him that. Theo doesn't like Kathleen. Sure, they had to get along during the fight against the walkers. He just doesn't like her. She gives him the creeps. Not in a she's a creep sense, but a gut feeling. He doesn't trust her.

Odessa's started spending time with Enid. She likes the girl. She sees a lot of her past self in Enid. Enid runs off, she disappears. She likes to be invisible.

Enid doesn't complain whenever she and  Odessa spend time together though. She likes the older girl. It's nice to have a female friend. All she's had since the beginning was her parents and then Ron. But they're all dead now.

Odessa found a camera on a run as well. She takes new pictures of her people. There is pictures of her, Carl, and Judith. Theo and Cole stand back to back with their arms crossed and each wearing a very serious face in a picture. Abraham and Rosita have a place in Odessa's phot album, Eugene stands awkwardly in the back of their photo. The next picture is of Tara and Eugene; Tara smiled widely, sticking up bunny fingers behind Eugene's fabulous mullet.

There's more, of course. Rick, Odessa, Carl, and Judith. Michonne and Theo. Sasha and Cole smile at the camera in one photo. A new photo Glenn and Maggie. Aaron and Odessa grin widely in a picture together. Gabriel stands awkwardly in a picture with Theo. Carol stands in the kitchen, making a batch of cookies. There's a sneaky picture she took of Daryl.

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