[ 029 ] start to finish.

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chapter twenty-nine, start to finish.
[ season six, episode fifteen ]

THERE ARE STILL SAVIORS alive. They should've known! They should have known something like this would happen. They started something that night and now they must finish it.

Denise is dead now.

She was murdered by a man named Dwight, Daryl said. He killed her with Daryl's own crossbow he stole two months ago when the herd was released early. Daryl said his face was messed up now thought. It was all scarred on one side. Daryl felt no guilt when he told Odessa, "I'd do it to the other side of his ugly face."

Michonne and Rick are officially together. Odessa is much more at peace with it than she and Carl was with Jessie. They liked Jessie but Michonne has stepped up and has taken on the maternal role that's been absent in Carl's life for almost over a year now. Odessa didn't have a mother for a long time before Lori died.

It's taken seven long years for someone to step up and love Odessa like a mother should. Michonne's done that. Lori didn't. Michonne did. And Odessa loves Michonne for it.

So, yeah, she's perfectly okay with her father finally moving on from Lori Grimes.

Odessa regularly checks on Eugene. Rosita is in the infirmary a lot too. Everyone is shocked but not confused when Odessa Grimes steps into place and starts to study all of the medical books in the infirmary.

They'll need someone to be their doctor.

But right now the teenager has other plans. She and Michonne walk together to where Maggie and Glenn stand over several guns. They make sure each gun is loaded with ammo, they reload magazines.

"We'll have these, but we should hide a few." Maggie says as the two join them. "That way, we can find them bur strangers can't. In case anyone get in."

"They won't." Glenn says, attempting to reassure his wife. But they already had. The Wolves did that and they killed so many people.

Suddenly, an engine roars. All four of them turn to where they see Daryl drive to the gate on his new found motorcycle.

"Oh, no." Michonne sighs.

"What the hell is he doing?" Glenn asks.

"Something he shouldn't." Odessa replies. She grabs one of the rifles from the bin. Then she and Michonne take off to the van as Daryl flies off.

Odessa gets in the back of the van. She stops, suddenly uncomfortable. She hasn't been in the van since the day Noah died.

As Glenn starts to drive, he slams on brakes. "Make room for my freckled ass!" Abraham tells them.

"No." Rosita walks up. "You stay. Cover my watch." She says it with force. Odessa's brows raise. The two broke up. Abraham is with Sasha now. And Odessa had been the one Abraham sought out for advice. Awkward.

"Hey, we should keep numbers here." Glenn tells the two.

"I know where Daryl's going!" Rosita snaps. She gets in the van and sits beside Odessa. They pull away from Alexandria.

Sasha, Theo, and Abraham stand at the gate when Morgan approaches. He tells them that Carol is gone.

When they see Rick and Tobin walking towards them Sasha starts, "Rick, I took over at 12:00, I was on til 6:00. I never saw anything."

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