𝟭𝟳. i'm so sorry

241 14 16

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i'm so sorry
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When Thomas Harrington had arrived home from work, the last thing he expected was to receive a call from the Hawkins Police Department.

A plethora of sad and worried emotions flashed through the older man's mind when he heard that his own children, Wendy and Stanley Harrington, were accidentally caught in the cross fire between an CIA investigation and a wild man hunt for a missing girl.

He couldn't even comprehend how the two children got involved in the first place, let alone being prime suspects in the matter. The two Harrington siblings never got into trouble with authority, so it was shocking to hear the news, even if they were safe and unharmed in the end.

When the call had finally dropped, Thomas Harrington immediately released the house phone from his hand, leaving the device to hang off the receiver. He could care less to actually place the phone back in its proper place when he had just received news of his children's whereabouts.

He then grabbed his keys off the front table before flying out the front door to run towards his car. He jumped right into the driver seat, his shaking hands fumbling to turn on the engine.

It took a few tries, due to the car's old age but when it did finally work, the Harrington male tried his best to pull out of the driveway, without nervously running over his neighbour's mailbox.

He was definitely not in the right mindset to drive due to panicked nerves but he had to find his children.

Once the car had actually hit the asphalt of the road, Thomas immediately slammed down on the gas pedal to drive away to his intended destination. He had probably broken every rule in the driving book as he was speeding to the extreme, failing to break when he had to and flying straight through random red lights in empty intersections.

He was just thankful that no one had watched him commit these traffic violations or else he would of been mailed a stack of unwanted tickets.

When Thomas Harrington had pulled up to Hawkins Middle School, he never expected to see the sight that he did.

The entire school parking lot was filled with scatted cars, whether it be police cars, ambulances or even the average recreational vehicle of 1983. There were worried citizens and even parents gathered around caution tape, trying to get a peek at the situation.

Finally, a few preteens that Thomas had recognized as Wendy's friends, were all being tended to by paramedics. The sight alone made the Harrington male fly out of his car and rush over to yellow caution tape to survey the crowd for his son and daughter.

"Hey! You can't cross the tape." An officer warned when Thomas had accidentally stepped to close to the yellow caution tape.

If he wasn't such a good law bidding citizen then he would of just ignored the officer and jumped the tape to find his children.

"I'm just trying to find my children. They've been missing all day." Thomas explained, trying to speak in a calm voice.

"You still can't cross the tape."

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