You Could Be a Queen

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You had a successful time shopping with Lyric, both of you got stuff but you had prioritized getting them things. They needed it anyways considering they've been kicked out and you've come to find out that their dad was murdered and the house was under investigation so they probably couldn't get their shit back anytime soon. plus sometimes you liked getting stuff for people, and you had helped them pick out some really cute outfits. You've decided you wouldn't mind going shopping with them again sometime, because it had gone a lot smoother than it did with your other friends. They usually made it such a hassle to go shopping with them, nut shopping with Lyric had been fun.

but now?

Now you stood in the parking lot of the loud and busy Pizza plex.

You had just dropped off lyric for work, actually.

however, their words had left you to stand here, practically paralyzed.

Maybe he likes you.

The two of you had been talking about Sam, you told them how much of a dick they were to you and that was their observation. That, maybe he likes you. Why did those words have such an affect on you? its not like you cared, and there's no way you liked him. He was just an animatronic, a rude, egotistical, asshat of an animatronic.

But for some reason the thought of him liking you got you all giddy.

It was probably nothing...

you doubted he had feelings for you..

even if he did? you had a boyfriend for one, and for two... Sam was just an animatronic, you could never have a relationship like that. Yes, yes, he told you about humans being with his friends but.. you weren't into that and Sam couldn't offer you much in a relationship.

You weren't sure if you wanted to go see him anymore. ugh, you were already here so you figured you might as well.

you slowly made your way through the pizza plex, Sam's Hide and Seek being your destination. Upon arrival you didn't see him in his attraction, but the active round of hide and seek probably meant he was in there so you took a seat at one of the farthest tables. While waiting you rested your head in your arms on the table, and drifted off into a sleep of sorts. Though you weren't actually asleep.

The game came to an end and Sam followed the kids out of the pit. It didn't take long to spot you, believe it or not he always kept an eye out for you. He wasn't sure why, you annoyed him greatly but.. despite your unlikeable traits he's had fun with you. which made you somewhat likeable .Something he liked doing with you was getting you all worked up, your face would get all red and you'd look all angry but it was cute because you were half his size and couldn't do a damn thing to him.

You weren't that bad, the only thing he disliked was your fake, stuck up rich girl attitude.

Sam believed you could be better than that though, so he hadn't given up on you yet.

Walking up to your huddled up form he smiled to himself. your face was buried into your arms, your hair was splayed out all over the place. It was a cute sight to see.

gently he tapped your shoulder, "Wake up, RaeRae."

You jumped up, startled by Sam's sudden appearance.

"Must you always scare me dude?" you huffed.

Sam shrugged, "you're just skittish. I ain't tryn to scare ya."

You narrowed your eyes at him as he decided to sit across from you.

"I see you came back, I assume you've considered our conversation from the other day?"

Sam watched you shift a bit, your e/c eyes staring down at the table as you spoke "Yeah.. I thought about what you said but.. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you want? I've been like this for as long as I can remember so I don't particularly see how I can be different or better. I don't see how you think there's more to me than what you've seen. Its insulting actually.. what's so bad about me that you have to think I can be better?"

Sam tilted his head, mulling over your words.

Clearly, you being here and talking to him about this meant that to an extent you agreed with him. If you didn't, you never would've come back. So a part of you knew that this wasn't the real you, that you've pretended to be for so long. that was a good sign, it meant you didn't like being like this no matter how much you denied it. it meant that you wanted to be yourself.

"Rae, love, its not that there's anything bad about you. You're... really attractive and I've seen what your like when you care for others and enjoy yourself" Sam scratched at his afro, "but the first time I met you, all you seemed to care about was material shit, and your phone. You literally didn't even notice your brother go missing, I watched you for a good 30 mins and he had gone in the first 10. You bitch about clothing and act like your too good for places like this or even the food here. And just one look at your friend group... I just don't think your like them. But you pretend to be to fit in and be popular."

Sam leaned back in his chair and glanced around the room before his gaze returned to you, "personally Rae. I think you like it here, I think you like coming here with your brother. I think, you like being away from your 'freinds' and I think your worried about not being cool like them but Rae high school ends. And you are nothing like them. You're better, you have a good heart. I think you can have true friend in lyric, and even me... but those girls you hang around with and the boy you were sucking faces with... They're corrupting your potential to be a... heh, well you could be a Queen if you were to be yourself and stop acting like all you care about is status, money and clothes."

As Sam had said all this you kept your eyes to the table, only occasionally glancing up at him. But you still listened to him, you took in every word and thought over what he said.

"Maybe you're right. And id love to try and... be myself at least... with you and lyric but at school. I cant. Because, I can't just not be their friend... I'll become a laughing stock. Plus Will isn't-"

"Will? Will what?" Sam's posture suddenly straightend.

That name... it was so familiar.

"Will Anders...? Why?"

Sam's breath hitched, "Rae... you need to get away from him."

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