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Crystal stood still as she saw the planchette move on its own. It spelled out her name. She didn't know if her mind was playing tricks on her. The planchette stopped moving. Crystal waited to see if it would still move, but nothing. She felt her heart beating nervously and excitedly.

She put down her phone, sat before the Ouija board, and put her fingers on the planchette. "Did a spirit just communicate?" The young woman wanted to slap herself; she thought it was a stupid question. Suddenly, Crystal felt the planchette move on its own. It landed on "Yes."

Her lips were slightly apart; her eyes were wide. "Oh, man." She didn't know what to think; she didn't think it would work. "Um, okay. What should I ask next?" she asked herself.

Then, the planchette moved and spelled out. "Afraid."

Crystal realized that the ghost was asking if she was afraid. She remembered reading that many spirits and demons fed on the fear and anger of the living; it would give them strength. Crystal took a deep breath. "Excited. Now, onto business. Are you a good or bad spirit?"

There was no movement from the planchette for a while. Crystal was about to ask again, but it then moved. "No."

This confused her. "No? Are you a spirit?"


"I see. When you say 'no,' does it mean you don't want to answer that question?"


Crystal realized that the spirit was intelligent; she had to be very careful. She didn't know what entity she was dealing with. Crystal took a deep breath. "Okay, fair enough. I will be upfront. I came here for a purpose. I am here to see if what Ronald DeFeo Jr said was true, that voices told him to kill his family, that he was possessed. Simple question; do you know Ronald DeFeo Jr?"


The young woman nodded. "We're getting somewhere," she told herself. "Is Ronald DeFeo Jr truly innocent?"

There was no movement for a couple of minutes until the planchette moved. "Yes."

A cold chill ran down her spine. She didn't know what to think. "Okay, were you the one who possessed him?"

"No." Then the planchette moved to other letters; A-N-S-W-E-R."

The ghost didn't want to answer. Crystal let out a huff. "Okay, is there more than one spirit here?"


The young woman was excited as she looked at the board; she took a deep breath and asked if Ronald DeFeo Jr was evil. She waited for an answer, but there was no movement. It frustrated her, and she was going to put the Ouija board away, but then the planchette moved.


The young woman stiffened; her eyes widened when the planchette moved. "You want me to come tomorrow?"

Y-E-S. The planchette stopped moving; Crystal knew whatever was communicating with her had enough. She thought that it was best not to press the issue. She got all her belongings and her phone and left the room. The house was lit with dim lights, and she noticed Adan outside the front yard with Bobby. 

Once outside, all three went inside the car; Adan and Crystal sat in the back. Bobby noticed how quiet the two were. "So, have ya found anythin'?"

"I had a connection with a spirit."

Bobby glanced at the mirror, looking at Crystal's reflection. "Don't tell me ya used the Ouija board." The young woman merely nodded. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Even supposed psychics wouldn't use those things; they're dangerous."

Ghost's PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now