2. Golden Blood

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Yeonjun swiftly made his way through the back entrance of the bar. He quickly changed and prepared himself for another hectic night. What's so good about tho specific bar anyway. Why can't people look for other places.

"hey beom" yeonjun said to the silver haired male who was already dressed up sunce his shift started earlier than yeonjun.

"hey hyung" beomgyu greeted back while smiling "you look like you've had a rough day"

Yeonjun sighed before speaking up "Riki's a good kid and he's been trying hard but he hasn't improved one bit"

"don't stress yourself over it he'll probably learn with time"

"Yeah his parents will probably stop paying me before that"

"you'll find a new kid after that"

"You're making it sound like i kidnap children. Shut up and get to work"

Yeonjun heard a small 'boomer' from the male who had now gotten back to work

He grabbed his uniform and was about to go change when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand upon.

He turned around to see if anyone was standing behind him but to his dismay, he saw nothing. He shrugged it off and went to the changing room.

[ ∆ ]

Hueningkai stood outside the back door of the bar as he watched a specific golden blood interact with his friend.

When he came back to look for the male he thought he won't find him but to his suprise he spotted him instantly as the bar came into view.

"Hey warlock, I'd really appreciate if you stop creepy stalking me" kai suddenly spoke up, still not taking his eyes of off yeonjun.

"Sorry I've just never seen a vampire in real life" a hooded figure appeared from the corner and approached Kai who smiled at the stranger.

"You're tiny and cute, but that doesn't mean you weren't creepy seconds ago"

"You're blunt and I definitely don't wanna punch you across the face for calling me tiny"

With all honesty, kai was a bit intimidated by the smaller male in front of him. But he diverted his attention back to yeonjun who had now paused in his place.

Kai instantly hid behind the wall so that yeonjun doesn't spot him. Once he was sure yeonjun was gone, he turned to taehyun.

"hey warlock-"

"taehyun" the stranger interrupted

"taehyun. Would you mind doing me a favor?"

"Sure" taehyun replied knowing he had nothing better do to with his life

"Can you please keep an eye on that guy for a while"

"Is that a golden blood?"


"Why can't you do it yourself?"

"I'm gonna go look for that job my very dear cousin want me to have"


What am I even doing with my life and this book.

You And I - C.YJ + C.SBWhere stories live. Discover now