29. Special Someone

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[ 29 ]

Soobin stirred in his sleep. He tried to stretch himself to find a comfortable position, without disturbing the head on his shoulder.

"why is my back so hard?"

Soobin slowly opened his eyes to see what's going on. He realised they were still in the hospital room.

Everything the same as before, dim lights, their bags are there, doors closed, a bunch of snacks lying beside them and chaerin sitting on the bed-

Soobin jolted awake when he saw yeonjun's mom wide awake while sitting on the her bed, making yeonjun groan who went back to sleeping.

Soobin tried to wake yeonjun up but yeonjun just kept complaining and pushed him aside. He slowly opened his eyes and widened them when he saw his mother.

He immediately ran through the really small distance and hugged her lightly, making sure not to cause any kind of damage.

Chaerin hugged him back with a slight chuckle. She showed a frown when she felt drops of tears on her neck.

"yah why the hell are you crying?"

"I was s-so scared"

"I was the one getting my skull cracked open why were you scared"

That sentence just made yeonjun sob even harder but he ignored it "how d-do you fe-feel?"

"like shit, how do you expect me to feel?"

"mom I'm s-serious" yeonjun whined in between the hiccups "you're ok-okay right, you don't f-feel any kind of-f pai-"

"yeonjun calm down. I'm fine. The headache is completely gone but it will come back if you don't shut up"

Yeonjun whined again before hugging his mother. Soobin was watching with a huge smile on his face. Whipped I say.

Chaerin gestured him to come closer. He expected her to say something but was surprised when she pulled him in the hug.

Nevertheless he hugged back, taking in the warmth from the hug. It's been a while he has felt this way and he wouldn't trade anything for this feeling.

[ § ]

Soobin and yeonjun walked hand on hand past the streets. They felt happy, just happy.

It was a rare emotion, especially for these two. They were mostly busy struggling in life that they never really had chance to experience happiness, or find a special someone to experience it with.

But now they found their 'special someone' and the happiness that person brought along with them. Sure their family, friends and obed ones make them happy, but not as happy as they make each other.

Yeonjun suddenly giggled before jumping on to soobin's back, which didn't faze the other.

"What are you doing?" soobin raised a brow.

"nothing just wanted to see of you would fall"

"you do realise that if I fell you would've fallen as well right"

"didn't exactly think that through"

"you're an idiot"

"you love this idiot"

"that I do"

They both chuckled as yeonjun stayed on soobin's back for a while before trying to get off.

"soobin hey I'm trying to get off"

"I know"

"soobin" yeonjun said a little sternly.

"what?" soobin shrugged

"Come on let me go"

By now the latter had started whining amd trying to get himself off soobin's back.

Everytime yeonjun pushed back soobin held him tighter not planning to let to anytime soon.

This tug of war continued until both of lost their balance and their bodies finally met the ground.

Yeonjun groaned before glaring at soobin who just laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"at least now you know I fell-" soobin's nervous demeanor was replaced with a smirk "-for you"

"you have three seconds"

Soobin knew where this was going so he instantly got up and ran before yeonjun started chasing him.

Now that soobin thinks of yeonjun acts exactly like his mom so he's definitely gonna get beaten up like yeonjun does everytime at the hospital.



Soobin laughed. He could easily use his super speed to get back home within ten seconds but why would he do that when he gets to see that smile on yeonjun's face.

Soobin would go full ninja mode on anyone who dares to take away that beautiful smile.

So he let yeonjun catch up to him while pretending to catch his breath.

Yeonjun jumped on soobin's back again. This time soobin almost lost his balance but managed to keep them both steady.

"peasant stop being dramatic and take me home this instant." Yeonjun said in a posh accent while giggling.

"Yes your majesty" soobin played along before running towards the apartment complex which was now in their sight.

Please imagine the camera dramatically moving from the two to the sky where the sun is slowly setting cause the story, my folks, has unfortunately come to an end.


Last scenes are always the hardest to write. What am I supposed to say 'happily ever after'?

Anyways the end? Or maybe an epilogue.

You And I - C.YJ + C.SBDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora