4. Visit

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[ 4 ]

Yeonjun made his towards the entrance as he carefully held a rose in his left hand. He plans on doing a lot of things today.

Earlier he had talked to the Nishimura's about quitting his job there. They knew this day would come but it was still a bit abrupt from them.

Niki was sad about him leaving. Over the past year he had gotten attached to yeonjun, expecially since no other tutor but yeonjun was able to help him in school.

He thought yeonjun would stay till his graduation which was a month away but still understood yeonjun's priorities. Besides yeonjun assured that he would be there for his graduation. That was enough to bring a smile upon the sulking teen's face.

Now he was here at the hospital to finish his to do list. He walked towards the reception "hey yuna"

"oh hey you're back. This is an unusual time" the receptionist says while gathering a few papers from somewhere around the desk

Yeonjun is usually asleep at this time due to his shifts ending late. Then he wakes up to do the cooking and cleaning and gives tutoring lessons after that.

He visits the hospital right before his shift at the bar and stays for an hour before he can get back to work which continues till 2 am.

Of course yuna is well aware of his visiting schedule as she's always here when yeonjun visits.

"yeah I guess I wanted to surprise her" yeonjun says as he signed each one of the papers yuna handed to him, the rose still in his left hand.

"which reminds me she was moved to room 304 yesterday"

"why? Is everything alright?" yeonjun started to feel worried as he heard this new piece of information.

"oh yeah there's nothing to worry about. She requested it herself because she was getting tired of the previous room" yuna chuckled.

"alright then I'll go see her. 304 right?" yuna nodded as she eyed the rose in yeonjun's hand. It was nothing new. Her lips curved into a smile as she thought about how the latter brings a rose everytime he visits. "they have such a beautiful relationship"

[ § ]

Yeonjun knocked on the door before opening the door and greeting the lady sitting on the hospital bed.

"bonjour miss. For I have come from a land far far away to offer this beautiful flower to a beautiful woman. Please accept this and bless me with delight" he said as he went down on one of his knees, extending his hands towards the patient on the bed to pass the rose, which was gladly accepted with a smile.

The smile that brought joy to yeonjun's life. His life is incomplete without the woman in front of him. He had know idea what he'd do without her which is why he's scared of what is about to come.

"How have you been?"

"a lot better actually" the woman maintained her smiled before completely dropping it "Until your dramatic ass decided to disturb my peaceful quality time"

"would you rather have me leave then?"

"that would be great actually"

"how the hell are you even my mother" yeonjun put a hand over his chest as he gasped

"be glad I'm not hitting you for over-working yourself"

"What do you mean" yeonjun pretended to be unaware

"you think I don't know. My spy stays by your side 24/7 and informs me of everything you do" the woman started scolding his son and pulled his ear causing it to turn red.

"ow ow ow stooop I'm sorry I quit tutoring this morning" yeonjun whining came to a halt as his mother stopped pulling his ear but still held onto it "I'll never be able to escape from you and your 5 foot tall spy"

"shut up and tell me are you eating well"

"y-yes" the woman glared, not believing a word that came out of his mouths son before pulling his ear again

"No I swear I'm eating well I haven't skipped a meal since you beat me up a month ago"

"good" she stopped looking satisfied enough

"can you stop being so violent in a hospital"

"No" she innocently smiled

"your little spy has been spending a lot of time with you lately. No wonder his punches feel like ten hammers being dropped on my body"

"you're just weak. Not my fault you can't take my punches" came a voice from the door of the room which none of the two people inside noticed opening.

"I could charge you both for asault. But since I'm too nice" yeonjun made himself comfortable on the hard steel seats in the corner of the room.

Beomgyu scoffed before turning his attention to the only woman in the room "mom made you dumplings" he handed her a small container.

The woman smiled again "this is why spies are better than sons"

"is that supposed to bother me?" asked yeonjun. He closed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest as he laid on the uncomfortable seats.

"you're just jealous" beomgyu flipped his non-existent long hair ( yup its short cause I'm evil )

Yeonjun just kept his eyes closed and pointed his middle finger towards where beomgyu's voice came from. He heard giggles which he assumed the two of them were planning something again.

"why are you both here so early today"

"are you not happy to see us" asked beomgyu

"not really" the reply was not surprising for the two friends.

"well then you won't be happy for very long cause I'm staying the night" said yeonjun as he yawned.

"where are your manners? either cover your mouth or close it if you don't want me to beat you up again" yeonjun's mom, chaerin, started nagging again

Yeonjun instantly closed his mouth to prevent a flying shoe from making friends with his face.

The rest of the day was spent by the three together in the hospital room, trying to have as much fun as they can.

They had dinner together until it was time for beomgyu to leave and the mother son duo went into a deep slumber

You And I - C.YJ + C.SBWhere stories live. Discover now