21. Sacrifice?

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[ 21 ]

Yeonjun groaned. His body felt heavy. His head was spinning. He tried opening his eyes but that seemed like the hardest thing in the world.

He heard faint voices coming from somewhere around him yet he couldn't make up what they were saying.

After struggling for long enough, he finally found the strength to open his eyes. His eyes wondered around the dark room.

Before he could question where he as or what he was doing here, he recalled whatever happened before all this.

"oh right" he rolled his eyes.

His father had sold him to the coven. He wasn't expecting his father to do something good when he asked to meet, but he didn't expect him to stoop this low.

So when his father confronted him in the cafe, his first instinct was to look at soobin. But before he could react someone had already attacked soobin before getting him.

"I see our new guest is already awake"

A voice from beside pulled him out of his thoughts. The stranger had gotten dangerously close to yeonjun's face.

He brought his hand to touch yeonjun's cheeks yeonjun instantly moved his face.

The man rolled his eyes as he held yeonjun's jaw and forced him to look his way.

"you've got a lot of attitude for someone in your place"

Yeonjun could only scowl in response.
"fuck off"

"bet your blood tastes just as sweet as your voice" The person in front of his slowly removed his hand from yeonjun's jaw and caressed his cheeks. This time yeonjun didn't react but maintained an unpleasant face.

"I wish I could have you all to myself" the man said carefully examining yeonjun's features "too bad you won't be here for long"

"if he sees you touching the golden blood, he'll kill you" someone from behind him spoke amusingly

"I can't help it he's too pretty" the man was still tearing at yeonjun's face

"enough wasting time, let's get ready for the sacrifice unless you wanna be the sacrifice" another stern voice spoke

"sacrifice?" thousands of questions started running through yeonjun's head.

"they're gonna sacrifice me"

"is this really my end"

"I didn't even say goodbye to anyone"

"God why does my death have to be so brutal"

The man hummed and slowly got up, removing his eyes from yeonjun's face.

When they all left the room, yeonjun let out a sigh. He stared at the chain on his right hand, bounding him to the wall.

These people are minutes away from killing him for his stupid blood. It isn't his fault he's born this way.

He had no idea what to do but he still held on to that small spark of hope that a certain someone and his friends are on their way right now.

"where are you soobin?"

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