12. A Ring

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[ 12 ]

When yeonjun woke up, he looked around. Beomgyu was no longer there

He didn't need to search for him because beomgyu barged into the room to wake yeonjun up for breakfast.

And now they're were sitting on the dining table eating the breakfast beomgyu made.

"you're going to visit your mom right?" beomgyu asked. Yeonjun just nodded in response while munching on his food.

"well then I'm gonna come along"

"I can handle myself"

"No you can't, not with the coven" yeonjun chuckled amd let yeonjun be.

[ § ]

Beomgyu sat there, carefully examine chaerin's actions. He knew something was up with her and he had an idea what.

Of course chaerin noticed beomgyu squinting his eyes at her, but she ignored it for the time being and enjoyed her son's company.

"I'm gonna go get us all something to eat" yeonjun said before walking out the door, closing the door behind.

"you know don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" the woman looked unbothered.

"yup you know" beomgyu sat back with a satisfied grin.

"of course I know you think your mother wouldn't tell me"

After a long moment of silence chaerin spoke again.

"he'll be okay right?"

"of course he will. That man is made of steel. If he survived your ruthless punches he can handle a few vampires" chaerin let out a chuckle at beomgyu's honesty.

"No but for real he will be fine, I'll be with him. Besides he won't leave until you get better"

Their conversation was cut short when yeonjun entered with the food, completely oblivious to the slightly glum atmosphere.

"I'm back bitches... and mom"

[ § ]

The duo was now in their way to their workplace. Beomgyu was somehow extra cautious of his surroundings this time.

What's different was that he don't have to hide anything from yeonjun this time.

They were a few meters away from the bar entrance when beomgyu felt a chill run down his spine.

"backdoor now" he quietly whispered to yeonjun.

When yeonjun was gone he turned to look around the place. After a few minutes of searching he found no one even after being sure someone was there.

He was about to give up when something shiny caught his eyes. "a ring?"

"how does someone drop a ring?"

He examined it before putting it in his pocket and going back to work.

[ § ]

Yeonjun took light step towards the backdoor. The alley was always dark but it never felt this creepy.

Every step he took he felt someone's eyes on him, creeping him out even more.

Suddenly he felt a shadow run behind him. He jumped and frantically looked around. There was shovel. He picked it up

"How is the door still so far away"

He started taking slow steps and tightly held on to the shovel, ready to attack anyone or anything that comes his way.


"AAAH FUCK" without hesitation he swung the shovel in the direction of the voice.

"ow" said the person. It wasn't long before the sound of hysteric laughing started coming from behind the stranger in pain.

"you're such an idiot soobin"

"you three? What are you doing here?" yeonjun said not knowing how to react.

"forget about that. Think about what you just did"

"I think it serves him right for  spitting blood on my face"

"How are you still salty about that I already apologized like a billion times" soobin said while holding his head in pain.

"What are you three even doing here?"

"oh we were just hanging out and realised it was time for your shift" said taehyun.

"get inside" yeonjun said before walking to the door and the other two followed him behind while soobin stood there.

"through the main door" yeonjun said as he shoved the two back who just scratched their necks in reply.

"oi loverboy let's go" Kai said to soobin who was busy staring at yeonjun's disappearing figure.

[ § ]

Beomgyu was serving drinks when he saw the trio walk in and settle down.
He subtly walked towards their table.

"someone followed us today" he took out the ring from his pocket "have any idea what this is"

"wait I've seen this before" soobin said taking something out of his pocket "back when my parents died I went home the next day and found this"

"they're the same" said taehyun

"this has to be from the coven right. There is no other explanation" or maybe I'm too lazy to look for any other explanation.


I sincerely apologize for the lack of yeonbin in this.

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