Chapter Eighteen

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A knock came from my office door. "Come in," I said, not looking up from my computer screen.

There was too much to do today. With Lee on vacation, the work had doubled. It was a lot— so much so that I almost had a new respect for my mother. But it only took remembering a fraction of the things she'd done for me to lose it.

"Mr. Calloway, I have the brand equity proposal here for you to look at," a voice said and I looked up to see one of the interns from the marketing team standing by the door's threshold, looking a little unnerved.

I tried not to make a face. This was something Lee usually handled. Still, I held out my hand. "I'll take it."

The intern took careful steps toward my desk and I wondered if I really looked that scary. Or was it just intimidating to be in front of your boss? Did people view me the same way I used to view my mother?

The thought made me cringe as the intern handed me the proposal and she froze, her dark eyes widening. "Um. Then, I'll go."


I tried to put my friendliest smile on. "Thank you, Jana."

She relaxed a little, smiling back. "You're welcome, Mr. Calloway."

I kept the smile on my face as she left before tossing the proposal on the mound of other work I had to look over. My head was beginning to ache. The next time Lee went on an extended vacation, I was going to have to bring over one of the managers from another branch to help me. There weren't enough hours in the day to handle this alone.

A horrifying thought occurred to me— would I have to work overtime all week again? No, Lee would be back, I could put off some work for him to take over. I'd already put in enough over time. It was for my own good to leave on time today. Henley only had a half-day and then had to go to class. If I could get home early enough, I could surprise her with dinner when she got out of class...

Settled, I bid a silent apology to Lee and went to turn off my computer.

The door to my office suddenly swung open again, startling me, and the person I planned to pawn my work off on walked in. I immediately retracted my hand from my computer, quickly picking up a pen instead, nearly dropping it in my haste.

Lee raised his eyebrows at me. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I responded casually. "I mean— working. What are you doing here?"

He came to a stop by the edge of my desk, leaning against it, folding his arms over his chest. "Want to go to McKellan's for drinks tonight?"

I froze. "Why?"

Lee frowned. "What do you mean why?"

"We haven't been drinking in forever," I said, anxiety creeping in on me and I began to stand from my chair. "Why now? What's wrong? Did you fight with Henry—"

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