Chapter 3

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One night, Dennis was sleeping when he heard clanging noises from downstairs. He grabs a baseball bat and a flashlight and slowly walks down the stairs. When he gets down there, he sees Winnie looking for something in the refrigerator. He puts down the bat and the flashlight and walks towards her. When he opens the door, she gets startled, she jumps and hits her head on one of the shelves. He apologizes then asks, "What are you doing awake at this hour?" Then he sees all the food she was grabbing and he asks, "Why are you eating all that stuff now?"

"Sorry, I just got hungry." Winnie said while rubbing her head.

"Okay then, get something that has less junk and get back to bed." He says. Then he walks away. Winnie didn't listen and she continued grabbing what she wanted.

One week later, Dennis catches her again and notices she is getting bigger. He walks towards her and says, "Winnie, I told you not to eat all of that at this hour." Then he sees a garlic clove next to her hand and he says, "Wait, is that garlic? I thought we agreed to not have that in this house. You know what it does to my stomach."

"I'm sorry zing," she says "But this has been happening for a while now. Even before you spotted me the first time."

"Are you okay? Should we see the doctor?"
"I guess so." Winnie says. They get in the car and drive to the hospital.

An hour later, Dennis was waiting in the lobby. He sees the doctor and asks, "Is she okay?"

"She's perfectly fine sir." He says.

"Then why is she eating so much?" asked Dennis

"Don't worry, cravings are a normal thing when your wife is pregnant." The doctor smiles. Dennis hears the doctor and he asks, "Is she actually?" Then Winnie comes out of the room and says, "Congratulations Dennisovich, you're going to be a Dad."

The thought of this made Dennis excited. Then he runs out of the hospital and begins screaming, 'I'm gonna be a Dad' multiple times. Winnie covers his mouth and drags him inside by his hair and says. "Quiet. People are sleeping."

The next morning, at home, Dennis and Winnie face chat everyone back at Transylvania to reveal the big news. Mavis was the first to respond. "Holy rabies! Johnny, we're going to be grandparents."

"Awesome dude!" Johnny says to Dennis. "Now I feel old now."

"But you're still the coolest guy in the world!" Dennis says to his Father. Then Izza says, "Let me know when the baby is born. I would like to meet the cutie on the day of." Dennis nods to her. Then Wayne and Wanda talk to them. Wayne says, "How many? 12? 17? 1?"

"Oh stop it Wayne, they just found out. We'll know how many when the time comes." Wanda says

"I was just wondering because Wanda and I already have 55 grandkids. Two from Willie." Wayne says.

While they were talking, Dracula and Ericka saw them crowd around the phone. "Hey, what's going on over here?" Dracula wondered.
"Oh, we're on the phone with Dennis and Winnie." Frank says.

"They have big news for you two!" Murray says.

"Don't tell me. I think I know what it is." Ericka said.

"He's going to play soccer again." Dracula said.

"Not really, Papa Drac." Dennis says hearing what Dracula said. "But maybe my kid will."

"I knew it!" Ericka said. "Winnie is pregnant."

"Oh, well that was my 2nd guess." Drac said.

"Sure it was." Joey said sarcastically.

"But hey, more little vampires. Atta bat Dennisovich." Drac says.

"I think you mean werewolves." Wayne said. Then Drac and Wayne begin arguing about whether it will be a werewolf or a vampire. "Oh boy. This will take a while." Griffin said.

The video chat lasted almost two hours. Then they chatted with Jack and Amber. "Wow that's great." Jack says after they tell him the big news. "I'm so happy for you my man."

"Well is it a werewolf or a human?" Amber wondered.

"We don't know." Winnie said. "It could also be a vampire too."

Amber was confused but Jack explained it to her. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you he is half vampire. The grandson of Count Dracula himself. His daughter married a human. I think that's right."

"Yep. That's right." Dennis said.

Dennis and Winnie: Zing Zings Forever 2Where stories live. Discover now