Chapter 16

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It took about a few more hours before they finally arrived at New York City. By then, it was just past dusk and the concert was about to take place in an hour. Jack parked nearby the stage and everyone walked to see the Statue of Liberty. Everyone loved the view.

"Wow. This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to." Ginger says.

"It's not as beautiful as you, my zing." Joey says.

While everyone was looking at the statue, Zach was standing nearby. He looks at the ring box he showed to Dennis and remembered what Dennis told him. But he decided to give it a shot. So he walks towards Izza. Then he asks her, "What was your favorite part of this trip?"

"Oh gosh." She says. "I loved all of it. Except for when one of Dennis' kids jumped into the river."

"Yeah. Or when the kids got captured and we had to go get them back." Zach says.

"I'm happy we did." Izza says. "Dennis was ready to cancel this concert and the trip."

They laugh for a moment, then Zach says, "Well, throughout this whole trip, there has been one thing on my mind. And I think it's the perfect time to ask you this." He gets down on one knee and asks. "Izzabeth Dracula Loughran, will you be my wife?"

"Zach from the moment we zinged, I waited for this moment. Yes!" She grabs him for a tight hug and kisses him.

"I know this ring may not be that great but it's all I could afford." Zach says.

"What are you talking about? It's perfect." Izza says as Zach puts the ring on her finger.

Then Mavis and Johnny saw the excitement and told everyone. They crowd around the happy couple and congratulate them. Then Izza sees her Dad begin to tear up. "Dad, are you crying?"

"No. I'm just... Yes I am crying." Johnny screams. "I'm just so happy for you." Then he begins crying loudly.

Dennis watched happily until Parker came to him and said, "Come on man, the show is about to start in 15 minutes."

Dennis looks at his watch and realizes they have to get going. He waves goodbye to them and runs back to the stage. But before he does, he yells, "Hey Kasey, you coming?"

Kasey doesn't hesitate to join him and he follows Dennis. Winnie watches them leave and yells, "Have fun!"

Later on, the stage announcer welcomes the band and the crowd cheers loudly. Dennis grabs the microphone and begins speaking.

"Thank you everyone. It's so cool to be here even though it was short notice. But I promise you that you're going to have a great time tonight. Whether you're here now or you're watching on TV. Now before we start, I want to tell you a few things.

"First off, my wife and I were ready to make this a family road trip, just me, her and all of our kids. Then all of the folks we know from Transylvania decided to join us. And it was a blast. If you are a relative of mine from Transylvania, I want you to stand. Everyone, give them a hand.


"I'm sure you're aware that I had to save one of my son's life after he jumped into the Colorado River by the Grand Canyon. And I'm also sure that you know about Larry Woodland trying to kidnap all my kids. A lot has happened over the past week since we got the call to come here. It seemed like everything we touched would go haywire. And I am happy we made it out of all that alive.


"And one thing that happened is that someone planned to take my kids away. He previously was an employee for my wife's restaurant back in LA. He got fired for his rude behavior. And he tried getting revenge by trying to take my kids away with help from Woodland. I invited him to join us for the trip when he showed up at my house and told me that he's a big fan.

"But as the trip went on, he changed. And this person saved my life when I tried saving my son's life. And I promised him that he would be welcomed on stage tonight. And not only that, he showed me, Troy, Connor, and Parker that he has a skill in playing the keys. And we were looking for someone to take over that instrument. So on this very night, I want you all to welcome our newest member of Dennisovich and the Werewolves, Mr. Kasey Stanford!


"Alright, enough talk. Who's ready to rock?!"

The crowd cheers loudly as the band begins performing. The credits begin rolling in as they perform their song, Important. They played many of their big hits. Dennis and Troy both sang. The crowd enjoyed Kasey playing the keys. Then as their finale, they played their new song Outside, Inside, which was written during the trip after leaving Minneapolis.

When the concert ended, fireworks began blasting behind the Statue of Liberty. It was the prettiest sight everyone could see.


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