Chapter 10

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Everyone was relaxing or talking with each other as the bus travels down the freeway, the kids begin asking Dennis, "Are we there yet?"

"Not yet." Dennis says.

The kids ask again, then a third time. He begins to get frustrated. Then when they ask a fourth time, he stands up and yells, "That's it, I'm gonna make you all shut up the hard way!"

"Whoa. Wait, Dennis, don't you dare!" Mavis said stopping him. "They're just bored and they want to get there soon."

"Plus, you mentioned before that it's their first road trip." Eunice commented. Dennis sat down on his seat and tried to ignore. Then he says, "Hey Amber, since the kids love you and Jack, do you wanna become their parents?"

Everyone gasps and Winnie says, "Dennis!"

"What? It's a joke." He says.

"Oh we would if we could," Amber states. "But we can't take care of them since we're always traveling."

Meanwhile, Murray points up and yells, "Look, we're here!" Everyone looks out the window and see that they are traveling through the Golden Gate Bridge. "Anyone wanna take pictures?" Frank asked. A.J. has the camera and starts filming, then Steve grabs it, saying, "Let me do it!"

Hunter tries grabbing the camera and then all the kids were fighting for it. Winnie begins separating them and says, "No fighting. We have more places to go to. You can share as we travel."

"Okay Dennis, where to?" Griffin asked.

"Las Vegas." Dennis responded.

"YES!" Frank yells. "I mean, Okay."

"Good, because I'll need to recharge there. So we can spend the night." Jack says.

"Recharge?" Sunny asked. "You mean to tell me that this is an electric bus? Awesome!"

Meanwhile, Kasey texts Larry about where they are heading. Once he does, Connor says, "Hey guys. I have an idea. "Why don't we rehearse while we travel."

"Good idea." Parker says. "Let's do it in the back. I hope we aren't too loud."

"Nah, your fine." Jack says. Dennis and Troy go to the back to join Connor and Parker. Then they get their instruments and start playing a few songs here and there. Kasey asks them, "So, have you ever thought of writing a road song? You know like, something fun while traveling?"

"Say, that's a good idea pal." Troy says. "Dennis, what do you think?"

"It's rare that fans give us a suggestion for a song. Let's give it a try. Maybe we can sing it at New York. Thanks Kasey." Dennis says while shaking Kasey's hand.

Dennis and his band rehearse more while they drive to Las Vegas. It took a few more hours before they got there. When they did, it was night and all the city lights were on. Everyone admired this sight. "Wow, I have never seen so many lights in my life." Vivien said.

"Yeah it's like we're in a light show." Willie said.

"Dennis," Crystal whispered, "Why did we come here? This place is filled with casinos. Frank is gonna want to gamble."

"Oh no." Dennis says. "Well, I wasn't expecting anybody from Transylvania to come with us so, whoops."

Later that night, they arrived at a nearby hotel to spend the night. Jack dropped everyone off while he would charge the bus. After Dennis paid over $15,000 for everyone, Zach said to Dennis, "I need to ask you something. How nervous were you when you asked Winnie to marry you?"

"Well, I don't mean to make you nervous," Dennis begins, "but I can guarantee you that you will have butterflies in your stomach. Oh and Izza loves shiny stuff. I hope you got her a shiny ring."

Zach shows him the ring and he says, "Sorry, this is the cheapest one."

"You don't have to tell me sorry, you'll have to tell her sorry. But if she says yes. Then lucky you." Then Dennis walks away, leaving Zach more nervous about proposing to Izza.

Later that night, Larry pulls up to the hotel and says, "We're not going in. We're sleeping in the truck. When Kasey gives the signal, we'll get them." Ronnie and Scottie agree to the plan.

When everyone was asleep, Frank sneaks out of the room. However, Hank sees him and says, "Dad, are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Come on. You'll see why I like it so much. Just don't tell Mom." Frank whispered. Hank decided to give it a try. Before they left, Kasey saw them and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Don't tell my wife, but we're gonna try gambling." Frank said. "I've always wanted to come here for that reason."

"I gamble." Kasey said. "That's one of the reasons I was fired. You want me to come along. I can help you guys win." Frank and Hank look at each other and invite him to come along. Then they leave the hotel unnoticed.

Dennis and Winnie: Zing Zings Forever 2Where stories live. Discover now