Chapter 6

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One day. Dennis was coming home from a meeting with his band. When he opened the door, he yells, "Winnie, I'm home. I gotta tell... WHOA!!" Before he finished, he saw most of his kids run towards him and knock him down. They lick him many times like Winnie would do to him when they were young. He gets up after they stop. Then he gasps when he sees the house a complete mess. Toys were all over the floor, the cushions on the couches were out of place, and many of the kids were yelling and running around the house. He tries getting them to stop but they didn't listen. "Luke, stop biting your sister's ear. Aiden, no flying in the house. Tanner, don't put the remote in your mouth."

Then he hears loud music from upstairs and he rushes upstairs to find out where it's coming from. When he goes inside one of the bedrooms, he sees Weznor, Jared, Matt, and Eric blasting loud hip hop and jumping on their beds. Dennis tries getting their attention, but they couldn't hear him. So he turns off the music and Matt yells, "Hey. Why did you turn it off?"

"Who told you that you can listen to that kind of music?" Dennis asks.

"Our friends at school do it." Jared said.

"Well it's not allowed in this house. I got better music for you." Dennis says. Then he plays the song, "Stayin Alive" by Bee Gees. He dances to the music for a few seconds and asks them, "What do you think? It's a classic."

"You're stupid!" Eric yells, then they start a pillow fight with Dennis. He quickly gets out of the room and shuts the door. After a few seconds, he hears the car honking outside. When he gets out there, he sees Jeremy honking the horn. He runs to the car and says, "Jeremy Loughran, get out of that car."

Jeremy shakes his head and continues honking the horn. Dennis yells, "If you don't get out now, I will..." Jeremy couldn't hear Dennis since he kept honking the horn. Then Dennis finishes by saying, "And you won't be able to sit for a week." Then he turns around and sees a few joggers staring at him with shocked faces. Dennis says to them as he goes back inside, "Morning ladies, nice day for a run, isn't it." As he walks inside, they slowly nod as they couldn't believe what he just yelled to his son.

When Dennis goes in the house, he gets tapped on the back and A.J. was behind because he wanted to tell Dennis something. When Dennis turns around, A.J. yells, "Now!" Then Kenny and Steve yank Dennis' pants down and they laugh. Then A.J. says, "Now we can tell Grandpa Wayne we got him!" Dennis knew that Wayne would teach them to do something like that.

After he pulls his pants back up, he yells, "QUIET!!" Then all his kids stop what they're doing and turn their attention to Dennis. Then he says, "Okay. I thought me and your mom left you a babysitter now where is she?"

"We chased her out of the house." Kristen said. "We thought she was boring so we tried to play with her, but she got scared and left."

"Okay chasing someone out of the house is not playing." Dennis says to her. "Mom won't be home till later tonight since she's got work late tonight. I want you on your best behaviors while she's gone. Can you do that for me?"

Then one of the kids throws a toy car at his head and he yells, "Ow, that's worse than a pillow to the face!" Then the kids get rowdy again. Dennis gave up and decided to lay on the couch, thinking to himself, "Now I know how Wayne felt with all of Winnie's brothers."

Dennis and Winnie: Zing Zings Forever 2Where stories live. Discover now