Chapter 15

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"Guys we gotta move! The concert is in two days." Dennis says as he hurries inside the bus.

"Then I guess we'll have to take a straight shot all the way there." Kasey suggests.

"Kasey's right, we can't stop to see another landmark." Sunny says.

"And we can't stay a night at a hotel." Hank says. "Someone needs to drive during the night."

"I can do it." Johnny says.

"You won't be able to drive all night," Zach says. "So maybe I should drive the first part of the night then you do the second half."

"Okay, whatever works, just figure it out. We need to go." Dennis says. Then he goes back to his seat while Jack begins driving. Ronnie and Scottie wave goodbye as the bus leaves the parking lot and enters the freeway.

At the time of their departure, it was sunset and Jack drove all the way to Madison, Wisconsin. They stopped there for fuel and to substitute drivers. While they waited for the bus to be fully charged, Jack showed Zach the controls on the bus and how to drive it.

Once ready, they left and drove all the way to Toledo. By then it was past 2am. Johnny and Zach switched places. Zach fell asleep as soon as they began driving again. During the drive, Dennis and the band began practicing all the songs they were going to perform. Everyone on the bus began singing to the words of the songs.

When they drove into the state of Pennsylvania, Shannon, Joey's daughter, asked, "Transylvania? I thought that was in Romania."

"No sweetheart, it's Pennsylvania." Joey corrected. "But it does sound the same though. You're right."

Then once they drove into the state of New York, everyone began getting excited. "What's the excitement?" Dennis asked.

"We're here aren't we?" Mavis asked.

"No. We are in the state of New York. The concert is in New York City." Troy said. "And we are in Buffalo."

"But we're getting close aren't we?" Izza wondered.

"We sure are." Johnny said. "We are just a few hours away." Then the werewolf children howl.

They stop one more time at sunrise before Jack starts driving again. Halfway there, the bus begins wobbling on the road. Everyone begins freaking out so Jack pulls over to see what happened. When they stop, he, Frank, and Willie check to see what happened. When they look in the engine, they notice that the bus had overheated.

They go back inside and tell everyone. "I don't understand. I inspected this bus before I borrowed it." Jack said.

"Maybe because it's been doing a lot of traveling." Winnie suggested.

"Well that's just great." Dennis said. "Now we'll never get there. The opportunity of a lifetime down the drain."

"And I don't see any repair shop anywhere." Willie says looking around.

"What are we going to do now Dennisovich?" Dracula asked.

"I don't know." Dennis said. "Troy, call the stage manager. Tell him we are stranded outside of Syracuse and we need to cancel the concert."

"What?!" Everyone asked.

"You're quitting?" Ericka asked.

"But what about us?" Wanda asked.

"We'll figure something out. I'll buy you all plane tickets back to Transylvania." Dennis said while pacing back and forth on the bus.

"Wait, Vivien. Your wand." Amber says. "Maybe you can draw a portal to New York City."

Vivien likes the idea and tries doing so with her father Vulcan. The wands don't work. Vivien throws hers to the ground in frustration. Then it starts zapping all over the place and hits the bus a few times. Then it hits the engine and the engine starts running. Everyone looks at each other confused at what just happened. But then they begin cheering as the trip was not over. Jack brings everyone back in the bus and they continue the trip.

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