Chapter 9

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"What are you looking at?" Winnie asks Dennis.

"Oh, it's just a checklist of places we can visit on the way to New York." Dennis says. "Take a look." The list reads:

Golden Gate Bridge
Grand Canyon
Four Corners
Mount Rushmore
Gateway Arch
Wrigley Field
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Washington DC
Liberty Bell
Statue of Liberty

"Wow Dennis, this is a lot." Winnie says. "But if Wiggling Field is another baseball stadium, then I don't think it's a good idea to bring the kids there."

"Why not?" Dennis wonders.

"We took them to Dodger Stadium a while back, and we got kicked out halfway through the game because of their rowdy behavior."

"Right. I forgot about that." Dennis says. "By the way it's Wrigley, not Wiggling." Then he erased Wrigley Field from the list. After that, he yells, "Okay kids, ready to go?"

All of the kids storm out of the house and towards their parents. Then Winnie says, "Wait. Did you all use the bathroom?" They stop and go back inside.

"The band should be here anytime now." Dennis says looking at his watch. Then someone says, "Hello." They turn around and see Kasey. Winnie asks him, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just going for a walk and I saw you here, so I wanted to apologize for my awful attitude to pretty much everyone in your restaurant." Kasey says.

"I accept your apology, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna rehire you." Winnie says. "Now get going."

"Before he walked away, he sees Dennis and asks, "Hey, I know you. You're the lead singer for Dennisovich and the Werewolves."

"Yeah. I am actually." Dennis says. "We were just about to leave to New York for that 4th of July concert. You can join us if you want."

Kasey was shocked, while Winnie was upset. She grabs Dennis and says to Kasey, "Give us a moment." Then she says to him quietly, "What are you doing? Why did you just invite him?"

"Winnie, I want to give this guy a chance." Dennis says. "I know he was not the greatest employee you could have but that doesn't mean we should reject him forever. Come on. He may not be as bad as you thought."

Winnie decided to let it go and she says to Kasey, "Alright, fine. You can come with us."

"Yes!" Kasey says. "I mean, cool. So when do we leave?"

"We were just waiting for the band's bus to arrive." Dennis says as the kids begin coming back to the front of the house.

"You mean that one coming towards us?" Kasey asks while pointing at the large bus. It was twice the size of the band's bus. "That's not our bus." Dennis says as it pulls over to the side of the road. When it stops, a familiar voice yells, "Hey Dennis, what's up?"

"Dad?" Dennis asks. "What are you doing here?"

"Wanda was on the phone with Winnie and she..." Before Johnny finished, Winnie interrupts, "Wait, didn't I hang up?"

"Apparently not." Wanda said. "You pressed speaker and we heard you guys talking about the trip."

"So we decided to join you." Ericka said. Then the entire Drac pack comes out of the bus, Including Jack, Amber, and the band. Drac, Mavis, and Izza stayed inside since the sun was out. Dennis asks, "Troy, what happened to our old bus?"

"It's fine." Troy smiles. "We have Jack's team bus for this. It runs really well."

"I told coach if I could borrow this for your trip and he told me to bring it back the way it was." Jack said. "So I ask that you make sure your kids don't tear this bus apart."

Dennis starts carrying the bags and puts them inside the bus. Then Joey says, "Wait Dennis, there's a compartment underneath the bus where you can put all that stuff there." Dennis takes all the stuff out and puts it underneath the bus, where all the other bags were.

When they finish packing, Dennis yells, "Okay everyone, get inside. It's time to go." The kids run inside and find a seat. When Dennis gets inside, he sees Izza sitting next to someone he didn't know. He asks him, "Excuse me. Who are you?"

"I'm Zach. Izza's zing."

"You're Izza's what?!" Dennis says.

"You heard him right." Izza responded. "We zinged a few years ago. But I forgot to tell you."

"Okay. Well I'm happy for you Izza." Dennis says. Then he sits next to Winnie and Mavis. Once everyone sits down, he asks, "Is everyone ready to go?" Then everyone cheers. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road!" Jack closes the doors, honks the horn twice and begins driving.

Meanwhile, Kasey, who sat in the very back, texted Larry. The text read: "Just follow the bus. I'll tell you when we can get them." Then Larry says to Ronnie and Scottie, "Looks like we are going on a road trip." Then he begins following the bus.

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