Ch.10 Day 7-?: Jin-chul mistake and the first system gate

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"Huh?! Impossible! My system!"

But he couldn't rest because as the bright light faded away he saw y/n next attack getting his way. The little ball of light which looked like a shooting star was fast ahead of him.


"Game over."

The light made by the explosion slowly faded away and the next thing she saw was a scenario of Soul through a white window.

....D*mn...Did he really die just like that? I wanted to hit more...About 10 000 more punches...

"What are you thinking y/n?"

Looking down one of the unluckiest characters that she knew she sighed then pinched his rosy coloured cheeks.

"You unlucky bast*rd..."

~✿.。.~ ˙˙˙˙ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ˙˙˙˙ ~.。.✿~

"I came out alive so I don't th-.."

Sitting beside him on the bed she looked at him seriously.
"Seriously. sigh. So care to fill me in with the details?"


...I fought the statues and collapsed? That certainly is not how it was...Well, I guess it was altered so he could get the system.
*Looking at him sadly*

"I'm really fine. !!"


Gently touching his cheek, brushing his hair with her finger while initiating a hug, y/n tried to convey some of her feelings through actions. Jin-woo didn't oppose and received the warmth the other gave him.
Soon their lips parted away and y/n buried her head on the man's shoulder, hugging him.

"..Idiot. Why did you go when you don't even know which rank is it? Even if you need money, is it worth it? I mean if you lose your life, who will help your family? If you die that's it."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry when you don't mean it."


*Door open*
"Have you regained your senses-.. Oh. Did we come at the wrong time?"

....Yes, you humanoid trash can...
As the man broke the atmosphere she looked from beside Jin-woo's neck.
"Young man, do you know some humans are more dangerous than beasts?"


As she continues, with a cold look she slowly lets go of her man and lain forward. Using her overpowering skill, the uninvited guests fall to the ground. A chilling voice came out from the rose coloured lips.

" Monsters are all the same so you don't have to worry if you kill 1 but what about humans? There are some worse than monsters or beasts. They easily murder, torture or cheat and you don't know when you facing one of them.
You better be careful before you get lost and get eaten by one of them"


"are-.. Are you implying that you are one of them?"

"I am. And your only luck is that I have a lash. Unless that, you would be already dead, young man."

Said, as she finished she touched the meter which made it over load and the crystal split.

"Even though I don't have a license I'm at S rank. I can guarantee this man didn't reawaken."

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