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Three Years Later''

I got all my bags and started walking while looking around, looking for someone

"Kangnam!!" I saw Kangnam as I shouted his name with a wide smile, I ran towards him and he waved at me, "Y/n, finally you're here," I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and smiled

"You changed a lot!" Kangnam commented looking at me, the only that has changed is my style and a few things, like my glasses and hair

"Y/n wait up!" I chuckle seeing Andrew walking towards us carrying his luggage, "you left me there," he complained, Kangnam awkwardly smiles and shakes his hand

"I'm Y/ns brother," he smiled, "Hi I'm Andrew," they were quite awkward which made me chuckle at them, "Misoo and Jake are waiting in the car"

"And Jay?" I ask, "emergency came up, he'll try to see you later though," I smiled

As the three of us walk out of the airport I see familiar faces I've been longing to see, but I had to act like I was pissed at them

Before I got on the airplane, I had called Jay and I heard FROM JAY that Jake and Misoo were together, like as a couple!!

They didn't even tell me! Jay had to be the one to tell me, it was annoying, though I admit they are cute together. I was just a little sad they didn't tell me first

Is that because I haven't visited them in such a long time?

"Y/n!!" Misoo ran towards me and hugged me tight, but I kept a straight face

"Don't be mad, please! I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Jake walked towards us and gave me a hug as well, "Y/n, please don't get mad"

I looked at the two of them before hugging them tight, "I missed you guys so much, babes I love you, Jake I love you," I hugged them both so tight

"Oh also I brought Andrew along with me," Misoo and Jake met Andrew when I would video chat them from Canada, so they're quite familiar with him already

"You're glad Y/n didn't bring you a boyfriend since you have one already," Andrew chuckles

Misoo nodded, "I have Jake now," Kangnam patted my bags signaling me he wanted to place them in the trunk now

"Jay is annoying, I thought he'd come today! I'll give him lots of attention since he told me you guys were dating"

Misoo pouted, "Y/n you're so pretty! For some reason, you kind of look like a foreigner, still have that Korean vibe though!" I smiled, living in Canada is different from Korea

Though I brought some Korean culture when I moved to Canada, I also started acting differently because I lived there for so long

"Let's go in the car now?" Kangnam says

"How long are you staying here?" Jake asks, "for two weeks," Misoo sighs, "what!?"

I nodded, "you left us for three years, and when you finally visited, for two weeks only!?" I hugged her tight, "don't worry! I'll mostly spend it on hanging out with you guys! But I'll rest too at times"

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