Ch. 29: Of Bonds, Experiences, and Belly Buttons

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-Restroom 7:48 PM-

That night, as the rest of MUGEN were resting with Shisui in the Mini Ward, Kouya was pondering about stuff in the restroom for hours, when suddenly, he heard a bunch of knocking at the door.

"Ehh?! Wh-What is it?" Said Kouya.

"Hey! It's been almost an hour! Get outta there, you dim lightbulb!" Risa replied from across the door. "I need to piss!"

"O-Oh! C-Coming...!" Said Kouya, as he hurriedly opened the door for Risa.

"It's about time!" Risa replied.

Risa quickly rushed into the door, not noticing Kouya hadn't goten out yet.

"Ah! R-Ris-" Said Kouya.

Risa was hurriedly unzipping her pants, when she glanced toward her left and saw a red-faced Kouya.

"Risa... Can I get out first?" Said Kouya.

"PERVERT!!!" Shouted Risa.

All of a sudden, bursts of flames and Kouya's screams emerged out of the bathroom and boomed onto the hallways of the little clinic.

-Hallway 7:49 PM-

Eventually, a visibly malding Risa and a relived Kouya leave the restroom.

"It's a good thing I have lightspeed." Said Kouya. "Lest I would have been turned into charcoal right there and then."

"Hmph." Risa replied. "So what were you doing on the toilet for so long anyway?"

"Pondering...?" Said Kouya.

"About what?" Risa replied.

"You know... everyday I see kids running around with their parents." Said Kouya. "What if... that were me instead."

"C'mon, what're you talking about?" Risa replied. "Don't you have the old man and your sis-"

"I'm adopted." Said Kouya. "Never met my real parents... if I even have them."

"I... see..." Risa replied, her tone shifting to sadness. "... Sorry."

"Old Man Osamu found me one rainy day while he was cleaning up the school." Kouya replied. "He's been taking care of me ever since that day."

"Before we moved to the apartment, the Old Man and I only lived in the toolshed near the school. Over time, I also studied there." Kouya continued. "Lemme tell you, not a day passes without the stuck-up rich kids making fun of me for being the adopted son of a janitor."

"Huh... I must say." Risa replied. "You never really crossed me as the type who would get bullied."

"That's 'cause I usually don't let the words of others get to me." Said Kouya. "But... that doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Anyways, as I was saying. While I'm perfectly fine with living with the Old Man right now, meeting my true parents would be... pretty awesome too." Kouya continued. "Everyday, I think of the day that they would see what I've been doing right now, and how strong I've gotten. I wonder if they'll be proud of me..."

"I see now..." Risa replied, before letting out a sigh. "Looks like I still have a lot to learn about you after all."

"Eh? What's wrong, Risa?" Said Kouya. "You seem a little... distraught."

"Nothing... Just a reminder of my own situation." Risa replied.

"Your situation...?" Said Kouya.

Risa lets out another sigh.

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