Ch. 9: The Light at the End of the Dark Tunnel

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Music: "Sp Lit" by Chimaira (Pass Out of Existence; 2001)

"What's going on...?" Said Risa.

Kouya watches as Shiki crumples into the ground, clutching his head in pain as multiple shadow-like tentacles come out from the shadow behind him. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"H-He's going berserk!" Said Kouya, as he signals everyone to step back. "Everyone watch out!"

The caretaker tries to run away from Shiki, but he ends up getting caught by Shiki's shadows. The caretaker was utterly horrified at what was happening.

"Someone! Anyone! Help me!" Shouted the caretaker. "HEEEEE-"

However, the caretaker never got to finish his sentence, as he proceeds to lose consciousness and drop dead shortly after, his complexion pale and his face distorted in a permanent expression of shock. It appears Shiki's shadow had devoured the caretaker's.

"NO! They got him!" Said Risa.

"Damn it! That's why I told him to stay away!" Kouya replied.

Shiki tried to escape from the premises by vanishing into his Shadow. Kouya and Risa chased Shiki around until they reached the same steel fence they entered from. Upon reaching the fence, Shiki suddenly comes out of his shadow in order to leap from the fence. 

However, before Shiki could do that, an upwards lightning bolt comes out from under Shiki and sends him crashing to the wall beside him.

The bolt came from Kouya, who cast the bolt to knock him down while also electrifying the fence to keep him locked for a short period of time.

"Risa, stay back!" Said Kouya, signalling the police to retreat. "Go fetch Rock!"

"Are you insane?! What if you-" Risa replied.

"He's far too dangerous for two of us!" Said Kouya. "I'll hold him off, you fetch Rock and then we finish him!"

Risa nods and runs off. Menawhile, Kouya proceeded to rush forward and run toward Shiki's direction. While on the run, he concentrates some electricity on his right hand in preparation for a big attack.

The electricity around Kouya's hand then gradually begins to take a form resembling a spear, as Kouya proceeds to leap up whilst shouting:

"Eat this! VOLTA SPEAR!" Shouted Kouya.

Kouya proceeds to throw the Volta Spear toward Shiki's direction, only for Shiki's shadows to catch the spear and assimilate it unto itself. However, Kouya isn't done just yet.

"Now, release!" Said Kouya.

Kouya proceeds to release the Volta Spear's electric charge before it was completely assimilated by Shiki's shadows. Unfortunately, he was only able to release a sliver of the spear's charge before it had been devoured by the shadows.

While Kouya was in shock at what had just happened, Rock was slowly getting up behind him after being knocked out. Risa found Rock as he was getting up and proceeds to run to Rock's direction as soon as she saw him.

"ROCK!" Said Risa.

"Damn... so that shadow guy's still not defeated yet, huh." Rock replied, clutching his head.

"Well, it's a long story." Said Risa. "For now, we're gonna have to take him down, and fast!"

Rock nods in agreement, as he proceeds to place his arm on the concrete floor to absorb its properties, while Risa snaps her fingers to spark a flame.

"Risa, Rock! Wait!" Said Kouya.

However, neither of them had heard Kouya's words, as both of them continued to rush toward Shiki. Rock tries to go for a Solid Straight, but then Shiki casts his shadow toward them to trap him.

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