Ch. 7: The Shadow That Lurks in the Darkness

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The dark alleyways of Shin-Majima are notorious for serving as a breeding ground for crime and other kinds of atrocities, particularly for Irregulars with warped minds, who use their PSI-Power abilities for harm, rather than good.

-Alleyway 9:21 PM-

Friday night, in a dark alley only a few blocks away from a notable tavern, a drunken man in his late 30s was dragging around a woman, who looked approximately 10 years younger than him, as she kicked and screamed for the man to let her go.

"Arrgh! Let me go, you pervert!" Said the woman. "I didn't agree to this!"

"Ah, shut yer mouth hole, ya tramp!" The drunken man replied. "Now, sit there, as I introduce you to Mr. Brightside!"

At that point, the drunken man throws the woman down and proceeds to unzip his pants, when suddenly...

"Let the woman go..." Said a mysterious voice.

A mysterious voice began to resonate from behind the man. The man glances behind his back, at which point, he saw a teenage boy, with a bunch of shadow-esque, tentacle-shaped appendages coming from behind him.

Shocked and terrified, the man tried to run for his life, but was suddenly grabbed by the teen's shadow tentacles. A scream of horror and agony can be heard, as the man meets his fate.

-Alleyway 8:04 AM-

The next day, police officers were greeted with the dead body of the drunken, 40-year old man. Chief Hayashi and Officer Deyama are tasked to retrieve the man's corpse for autopsy, but Officer Deyama doesn't seem to be a fan of the idea.

"Chief Hayashi... I don't think I've ever seen a case like this before!" Said Officer Deyama, shivering in fear. "No blood loss, no wounds... but it doesn't look like a natural death either!"

"Hmm... you're right, that is a little strange... but that doesn't mean you should act like a sissy!" Chief Hayashi replied. "Now hurry up and help the paramedics carry his corpse around!"

"Ahh... yes, Sir!" Said Officer Deyama.

As Officer Deyama and the paramedics move the body around, it was then that they noticed that the man's corpse... didn't seem to cast a shadow at all. Officer Deyama goes from nervous to full-on terrified, as he began to scream loudly, like a little girl.

"KYAAAAAAA!!!" Shouted Officer Deyama.

"WHAT?!? There's no... shadow?!" Chief Hayashi added, as he takes a closer look at the corpse. "It seems Officer Deyama was right! There IS something strange going on around here!"

As the paramedics and Officer Deyama proceed to take the man in a stretcher, Chief Hayashi was deep in his thoughts.

"Whatever that man's cause of death is, it's definitely not something that a normal person can do... Could it be that... his assailant is a..." Chief Hayashi thought. "Nnghhh... Looks like I have no other choice... I'm gonna have to enlist some help from... those damned Irregular punk kids."

-Playground 8:41 PM-

Meanwhile, over at the playground across the street, Kouya and Risa were showing off their PSI-Powers to a bunch of toddlers aged 4-6 years old, who seemed rather impressed by their abilities.

Kouya demonstrated his by conducting a safe, low voltage static current all over his body. He lets one of the kids, a 5-year old boy, touch his bare forearm, after which some of the kid's hair strands began to rise up.

"Whoa! Amaaazing!" Said a male child, watching his playmate's hair raise up.

"His hair is like standing up!" Another male child added, also watching over.

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