Ch. 1: Not Your Typical Boy Meets Girl

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July 20, 2039
Shin-Majima City, Higashi Prefecture

In the current day, the rebuilt Higashi Prefecture has regained most of its former glory. Crawling from the ashes of the seether explosion many years ago, the Higashi Prefecture, and in particular, it's capital, the rechristened Shin-Majima City, has since been recognized for its many technological advances, and is now known as one of the most modernized cities in the world.

Since Shin-Majima's inception, a lot of things have changed in the world, and one can easily see that all these changes are reflected in the sprawling streets of the city.

Vehicles running on gasoline have been phased out completely in favor of vehicles running on alternative power sources. The many corporate towers all over the city were given a futuristic overhaul, and the entire city itself now relies solely on the safer, more efficient PSI, as had been the standard all around the world for many years at that point.

Another point of interest was the law enforcement in the city. The laws and security of the denizens were upheld, not just by the Majima Metropolitan Police Department, but also of various "police drones", humanoid robots programmed to serve and uphold the law, and deployed by the MMPD themselves.

Shin-Majima is also known for having among the highest documented Irregular population in the entire world, with almost 78% of their population consisting of Irregulars. Several Irregulars have made the district their home, with several opening their own businesses within the city, while others have made families in Shin-Majima.

-Streets 12:40 PM-

The streets of Shin-Majima are almost always busy, jam-packed with people across all walks of life. Towering corporate buildings, and shopping districts, can be seen all over Shin-Majima.

Walking around the streets was a girl, approximately 15 years old. The girl had short auburn hair and wore a red beanie, a red vest over a black cropped t-shirt that showed off her midriff, with a red and orange flame design on the chest, cream cargo pants and red sneakers. A single look at her would give off the vibe of a feisty teenager.

"Whew... such a hot day today." Said the girl. "I feel like I'm burning up."

The girl was walking down the streets of Majima, with the heat of the sun scorching her, when she eventually found a vending machine.

"Finally..." Said the girl.

The girl proceeded to walk toward the vending machine. She then took a couple of ¥100 coins and inserted them onto the coin slot. After that, she proceed to pick her drink of choice: a can of lemon-flavored soda. She pressed the button and took the can that the machine gave her, before opening it, drinking its contents and experiencing the carbonated goodness.

"Ahhhh! Yes! This lemon soda never fails to quench my thirst! Fufu!" Said the girl. "Now, for the spare change..."

The girl was about to take the spare change that the vending machine had ejected, when suddenly, someone walks behind her and proceeds to proceeds to grab her by her right arm.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look what we have here!" Said a male voice. "Say, what's a cutie like you doing in a place like this?"

As it turns out, the man who was grabbing her turned out to be a delinquent. He was surrounded by two more of his fellow delinquents.

"Man, you look even more cute up close!" Said the first delinquent. "Looks like it's my lucky day today!"

"Hey, Himuro, you bastard! Don't be a hog!" Said the second delinquent. "Share me some of the good stuff!"

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