Ch. 25: Calm Before the Storm

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-Streets 8:01 AM-

A new day has just risen, yet the Xypher were already walking down the streets of Shin-Majima, roaming around while plotting their next move. All the while, they were keeping track of where their targets were going thru GPS.

"Seen 'em around?" Said Denji.

"Not yet..." Miyu replied.

"I told ya guys, this job's boring A.F." Elain added. "Where the hell are our targets, even? Don't tell me they killed themselves before they got here."

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Said Tetsuko. "Keep your eyes peeled at all times, Elain. And don't be a whiny bitch."

"Hey! I'll be a whiny bitch all I want!" Elain replied. "Besides, since when did you-"

"Elain, cut it out!" Said Denji. "This isn't the time for petty squabbles."

Elain begrudgingly silences himself, crossing his arms and walking a few steps away while muttering curses underneath his breath.

"Alright, guys, I think I have a plan." Said Denji. "The doc told me that he has a feeling that our targets will be heading straight to the lab today."

"Now, with that said, we're gonna have to split up and ambush them at certain points of the city." Denji continued. "Hyouka, you stay around this area. I have a feeling they're taking this path. Tetsuko, Elain, Miyu. let's split up."

"Got it." Said Tetsuko.

"OK..." Miyu added.

"Elain, you coming?" Denji replied.

Elain sighs.

"Fine" Said Elain. "I'm following Miyu. At least she's sensible."

"I'll ignore what you just said." Denji replied. "Alright, Xypher, let's split up!"

Denji and the others scatter, while Hyouka is left to roam around her designated area. Hyouka sighs.

"Ah, well... with the help of my Frostbiter, I doubt these fools would even stand a chance." Said Hyouka, smiling.

-Apartment 8:40 AM-

Meanwhile, Kouya and the rest of Mugen wake up to the smell of... something cooking. Still half-asleep, Kouya follows where the aroma was coming from. Eventually, the smell leads Kouya to the kitchen, where Risa is cooking up some breakfast for the group, using her own fire to cook instead of fiddling with the stove.

"Uhh... Risa?" Said Kouya.

"H-Huh? K-Kouya?!" Risa replied, flustered. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." Said Kouya, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you up so early in the morning?"

"Ehh? Me? I was just..." Risa replied, her cheeks blushing. "... umm... cooking."

"What for?" Said Kouya.

"I figured you guys perhaps need some breakfast..." Risa replied, looking away as her face becomes bright red. "... so I... got up early and cooked us up some grub using the ingredients here."

"Oh, I see. Ehehehe..." Said Kouya, scratching the back of his head.

"What's that supposed to mean...?" Risa replied, slightly annoyed.

"Eh? Wh-What?" Said Kouya.

"Are you trying to say that I can't cook to save my life, huh?" Risa replied, pouting. "Well, I'll have you know that I cook most of my meals alone before I met you."

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