Ch. 14: Behind Blue Eyes

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-Unknown Household 3:30 PM-

Inside one of the bedrooms in an unspecified household, a young, foreign-looking girl with light blonde pigtails, who appears to be around 13 years old, can be seen doing an elaborate dance of sorts.

The girl, despite clearly being tired and clearly unable to play, still tries to power through, causing her to lose her balance and topple over several times.

Eventually, the girl hears a voice coming from behind her.

"Nina! What kind of dancing is that?!" Said a woman.

"But, Ikumi-I mean... Mommy... I'm just... too tired to dance..." The girl, Nina, replied, out of breath. "I haven't even ate anything for breakfast... or lunch!"

"And you're not gonna get anything for dinner unless you finish your dance perfectly!" Said Ikumi. "So hop to it!"

"But-" Nina replied.

"Oh, so you're being obstinate, huh?!" Said Ikumi. "Come here!"

Ikumi proceeds to drag Nina by her hair and walks her toward a nearby aquarium. Nina cried and screamed, but to no avail.

"Mommy! Please! NO-!" Shouted Nina.

Ikumi then proceeds to dunk Nina's head into the aquarium water. Nina tries to tell Ikumi to stop, but her pleading falls on deaf ears.

The drowning continued on and on. Nina desperately reached for the pen that was beside the aquarium, to no avail. The nightmare went on for a few more minutes, before Ikumi heard a someone ringing the doorbell.

"Tsk... you got off lucky this time, Nina." Said Ikumi.

Ikumi left for the door, while Nina slowly removes her face from the aquarium, her face drenched with a combination of filthy aquarium water and her own tears.

-Nina's Bedroom 8:50 PM-

That night, Nina was sobbing on her own bed. Inside her mind was many questions that not even she knows the answers of.

"Why... why does Mommy have to be so cruel...?" Nina thought. "Ever since Daddy Norman died... she's been like this... every... single... day..."

"I want to run away... I want to get away from this place..." Nina continued. "So she can't hurt me anymore..."

While crying, she found a crumpled piece of paper tucked underneath her bed. She slowly unravels the paper, and finds a detailed escape route to run away from the house that she had wrote long ago.

"This is..." Said Nina.

Nina read through the paper thoroughly, memorizing everything written and

"Right... with this, I don't have to be hurt by anyone anymore." Said Nina.

After reading the paper, Nina started to pack her bags with her precious belongings, as she plans to run away from her abusive stepmother.

She then took out a decoy from under her bed, a sack filled with random junk, and placed it on her bed, hiding the decoy with blankets, so her stepmother won't notice.

With everything all set, Nina proceeds to leap out of her window, and begins her attempt to escape. Hurriedly, she drops down the window with both her feet landing to the ground, and hurriedly sprinted away from her now-former home, never looking back.


-Nijimura Park 11:19 AM-

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