#2 - Abominable Beasts

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Four hours ago...

"Hey hey hey peeps. This is Dave from Dole Radio Live, here with the latest news."

As this broadcasts through the speakers affix on every lamppost on campus, a young man bolts out of Roland Hall, clasping onto a prosthetic leg.

"Today, the Physics Department has finally landed a project with the Henwrich Aeronautics Center a.k.a the HAC. But don't get your hopes up coz this project is based on the soil composition of the nearby Latvia Plateau and not Mars."

A booing sound plays in response.

The chaser stumbles upon a mobile kiosk while the thief slides past fellow students walking across the narrow passageway.

"But good news for all the sophomores. The Friggins Ball is now cancelled and has been replaced with an on-campus concert held by the famous rock band, the Daltons."

A cheery sound plays in response. "Man, I wish I had that luck last year."

The chaser loses sight of the thief when he enters a crowded street.

"Freshman Jessica Simmons has won the Best Cinematography for Shaidon Hoddon's 'A Time to Remember' at the annual Panorama Awards, making it her first international award."

A huge round of applause plays in response.

The thief almost reaches the Felmich Track and Field Center, when he skids over a banana peel, falling flat on his abdomen.

"And lastly, you will find newscasters from across the country talk about this - Jason Smith's back on the Dolphins' Diving Team, after his successful comeback last week at the Budgers State Championship."

A huge cheering sound plays, deafening the sound of chit-chats among the pedestrians.

The chaser finds the thief, who struggles to get up. Spectators surround the scene.

"That's the news for today, peeps. Hope you enjoy the barbecue organized by the Swatleys Cafe tonight."

An instrumental melody plays in the background. "This is Dave from Dole Radio Live, signing out."

The chaser removes his cap, stunning the spectators around. "I believe this leg is mine."

"No, it's not." The thief clasps tighter to the leg. "You have two natural legs." He sees the legs standing in front of him.

"You also have two natural legs." Jason points to the thief's legs. He squats to get a closer look at the thief. "Why did you take something that wasn't yours."

"It's my girlfriend's." He says, finally sitting up. "See the dent here." He points to the dent on the socket of the prosthesis. "This is proof that it's hers."

"Even my friend has that dent. Well, every model designed by the company has this dent." Jason says. "Look, my friend has made a mark here.' He points to a small skull sticker on the pylon of the prosthesis. "This is evidence that this leg is my friend's."

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