#5 - The Invisible Man

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The unlocked door creaks into a somber void.

Am I in the wrong place? Jason muses as he stands in the doorway, glancing back at the staircase. But I've already reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello," he says, peering as he takes a step inside. "Is anyone there?"

The lights flash on, temporarily blinding Jason. His eyes slowly get accustomed to the now well-lit chamber.

This is definitely not the right place. His gaze falls on the polished door. It can't be this room.

Jason steps back and pulls the door close. Midway, he stops when he sees someone arise from underneath a large, messy desk.

I can ask where Room 15 is, he thinks as he tries to see the man's face.

"Um, excuse me," Jason says. "Sir, can you please-" He suddenly inclines on the door, finding himself on the hazy edge of consciousness.

Through his cloudy vision, Jason watches the man turn to face him, "Can you please-" He drops to the ground.

The man sighs and walks briskly to an unconscious Jason, lime green streaks swirling around his pupils.


"Eliza?" Anthony calls, standing at the foot of the staircase. He peers at the dark end of the staircase above, trying to identify the silhouette that treads toward him.

The lights across the hallway reveal a weary Jason as he slowly descends to the bottom of the staircase.

Where is she? Anthony glances over Jason's shoulder. She is not here. Blind with impatience and rage, he stops Jason who treads with his sagging head.

The newcomer lifts his head and squints his bloodshot eyes, trying to recognize the familiar face that stopped him.

"Where's Eliza?" Anthony asks, fumed.

"Dr. Banks?" Jason whispers, his eyes lit up in astonishment.

The physician pauses, stepping closer, "How do you know me?"

"Dr. Banks!" Jason gasps, stifling his tears of relief. "It's been almost fifteen years since-" He skids to the bench beside him.

"Jason?!" Anthony hastens to the semi-conscious man who props himself on the bench. "What's happening?"

"You remember me," the newcomer mumbles, trying to cast a smile. He begins to weep, "Please help me, Dr. Banks."

"Jason?" Anthony scans Jason's body, his gaze falling on his wristband.

Anthony taps his own wristband as he makes Jason lie flat on the wide bench. The screen materializes before him as he places the unconscious newcomer's feet on the armrest.

His eyes widen when he sees Jason's rising heartbeat rate and decrementing blood pressure. He's in shock. Anthony glances at the varsity diver's pale, clammy face.

"El-el-el.." Jason stammers as he tries to get up.

"No, you need to lie down." Anthony pushes him back down.

I need my bag. The physician looks around. Why is there no medical kit here?


He turns back to see his subordinate approaching him. "Mark!" He stops Jason from getting up again. "Bring me a kit now!"

Mark rushes away in a split second.

"Elizabeth Banks!" Jason gasps.

"What about her?" Anthony asks, alarmed. He leans in to hear the now semi-conscious man, when he goes back to muttering.

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