Eliana Moon

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World: n/a

Location: Somewhere in America

Name: Eliana Moon

Nickname: Ellie (by friends/allies)

Alias: Agent Dove/Agent Moon (depends on setting)

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Species: Human

Occupation: Secret Agent

Description: light skin, green eyes, brunette hair that's usually in a ponytail

Looks: n/a

Personality: somewhat serious (but can be funny), knowledge seeker, level-headed

Weapon(s): varies depending on mission

Power/Skill: stealthy, average fighter, trained in usage of guns

Bio: A secret agent who lives quite the high octane life. She is skilled in stealth, and prefers to avoid directly engaging the enemy unless it's necessary. When she's not on duty, she likes to relax with simulator games.

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