Kaitlyn (Pokémon Alpha Sapphire)

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World: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Pokémon series)

Location: Littleroot Town, Hoenn

Name: Kaitlyn

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Species: Human

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Champion of Hoenn, Successor to the ancient Draconid knowledge

Description: white skin, light brown-ish hair, blue eyes

Looks: (unable to customize in Alpha Sapphire, so this is basically the game model I guess)

Looks: (unable to customize in Alpha Sapphire, so this is basically the game model I guess)

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Personality: caring, helpful, worrisome, brave

Weapon: her Pokémon, Mega Ring

Power: n/a

Bio: A girl who set off on a journey across the Hoenn region. After many trials and crime fighting (aka stopping Team Aqua), she defeated Steven and became Champion. She saved the world again during the events of the Delta episode.

Pokémon Team

Craig (Blaziken)
Marcus (Mightyena)
Olivia (Lombre)
Juliet (Pelliper)
Eclipse (Latias)
Summer (Plusle)

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