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World: n/a

Location: Somewhere within a dark glade (original home; still visits often); roaming the Earth

Name: Molly.exe

Nickname: Molly

Gender: Female

Age: appears to be in her mid to late 20s

Species: EXE type entity (humanoid in appearance)

Occupation: Self-appointed guardian of the glade (even if there's nothing in particular that needs guarding)

Description: slightly pale light skin, matted brunette hair, red eyes, usually seen wearing tattered clothing (before she got new clothes)

Looks: n/a

Personality: devious, mature, surprisingly sympathetic in some aspects

Weapon(s): her nails (can function like claws if desired)

Power/Skill: teleportation, above average physical prowess, can sense certain energies

Bio: There was once a time when this exe reveled in death and despair - all by her hand. But one day, she stopped, having grown bored of said death and despair. Deciding to venture beyond the glade, she inserted herself into the world of the living in search of new experiences. Nowadays, she revels in having a nice cup of coffee (with cream and sugar, of course).

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