Kaitlyn (Pokémon Shining Pearl)

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World: Pokémon Shining Pearl (Pokémon series)

Location: Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh region

Name: Kaitlyn

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Species: Human

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer

Description: raven hair in a ponytail, slate blue eyes, light skin

Looks: n/a

Personality: idealistic, daydreamer, cheerful

Weapon(s): her Pokémon

Power/Skill: not making Poffins, that's for sure

Bio: Kaitlyn set out from her hometown to go on her own Pokémon journey and see what's out there in Sinnoh. She likes to be in her own little world, but she knows when to stay grounded.

-Pokémon Team-

Aiai (Infernape)
Cawcaw (Staraptor)
Gongon (Luxray)
Meemee (Roserade)
Bobo (Gyarados)
Pospos (Jirachi)

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