Holly Noel

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World: n/a

Location: North Pole

Name: Holly Noel

Nickname: Holly Jolly (by co-workers and friends), jingles (by Jacqueline)

Gender: Female

Age: at least 267 years old, physically appears to be 24

Species: Human (personification)

Occupation: personification of Christmas, Santa's helper, workshop manager alongside the elves

Description: white skin, green eyes, brunette, occasionally decorated like a Christmas tree


Personality: happy, pacifist by nature, moderately jovial at times, occasionally worrisome, dedicated

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Personality: happy, pacifist by nature, moderately jovial at times, occasionally worrisome, dedicated

Weapon: n/a

Power/skill: minor Christmas magic manipulation, professional toy maker/toy repairman, Christmas spirit

Bio: The personification of Christmas, and keeper of the Christmas spirit. She goes out of her way to make each Christmas better than the last for the people of the world. She considers Nicholas/Santa her boss and, for the most part, will listen to him without question as well as attend meetings with him as the secondary representative of Christmas.

Extra info:

-Despite being the personification of Christmas, she has a hard time watching Christmas movies because she knows she'll want to comfort the sad/bitter characters in said movies. It makes her feel conflicted.

-Her life is tied to the Christmas spirit. If it were to die, she would too.

-She considers Jacqueline her best friend despite their polar opposite personalities.

-She has a secret crush on Dylan.

-She thinks of the personifications of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa her cousins, though none of the personifications are related to each other.

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