Erin Zest

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World: n/a

Location: Olympus

Name: Erin Zest

Nickname:  Prince of Hearts (self-given title)

Gender: Male

Age: around 1,524 years; physically appears to be 19

Species: Human (personification)

Occupation: personification of Valentine's Day, Eros's apprentice

Description: fair skin, cyan eyes, light blonde hair


Personality: proud of his job, nice, affectionate, occasionally flirty, dedicated to helping everyone find love

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Personality: proud of his job, nice, affectionate, occasionally flirty, dedicated to helping everyone find love

Weapon: bow and love arrows

Power/skill: pro level archer, sharp aim (above average accuracy), flight, can easily tell when a relationship is sparking; conversely, can also tell when a relationship won't work out

Bio: The personification of Valentine's Day, and titriary spirit of love. Though personifications tend to be 'born' once holidays are born, he was created in part by Aphrodite. His uncanny ability to sense when love is in the air helps to make his job easier when deciding where to fire his love arrows. His boss figure -and archery instructor- is Eros, the secondary spirit of love (Aphrodite is the primary spirit). He attends meetings with him as the secondary representative of Valentine's Day.

Extra info

-Though Eros is his boss figure, Aphrodite is the true boss, being the goddess of love and all.

-He loves Valentine chocolate, but tries not to eat too much of it.

-Other personifications aren't all that affected by his natural charm. Regular female humans are drawn to it.

-Sometimes ships his actual friends. Especially Dylan and Holly, to their embarrassment.

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