Tyler Dovetail

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World: Ever After High

Location: Ever After High School

Name: Tyler Dovetail

Nickname: Ty, Prince Tyler

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Human

Occupation: high school student, prince of an unnamed kingdom, tailor (in his free time), self-proclaimed fashion consultant

Description: white skin, blue eyes, brunette hair


Personality: creative, friendly, dreamer, can be flamboyant at times, fashionable

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Personality: creative, friendly, dreamer, can be flamboyant at times, fashionable

Weapon: sewing needles (he's somehow able to utilize them as weapons if he has to)

Power/skill: expert tailor (Ultimate Couturier)

Bio: Son of the Tailor from 'The Brave Little Tailor'. He learned to sow at a young age and became very skilled with it thanks to his father's teachings. He's good friends with Milo and will often ask him to model the clothes he makes, much to his friend's chagrin. He's ready for the destiny set before him, but he has a secret backup plan in case things don't work out.

Status: Royal

Other: He has a crush on Selene.

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