Kara "Blueberry" Yield

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World: n/a

Location: a haunted mansion

Name: Kara Yield

Nickname: Blueberry

Gender: Female

Age: ...19? (Hard to tell due to her being dead and all)

Species: Ghost (formerly human)

Occupation: none

Description: a ghost who appears to be various shades of blue, mainly a dark cerulean (hence her nickname)

Looks: n/a

Personality: kinda playful, friendly, helpful, mysterious

Weapon: n/a

Power: levitation of herself and items, can phase through walls and people, limited force field ability, ghost possession, can physically interact with things

Bio: Not much is known about this rather friendly ghost. She lives in a big mansion with many other spectral residents, though she tends to keep to herself. Despite being a specter, her best friend is a ghost hunter. At least, she considers him such.

She does enjoy using her ghostly powers to mess with living beings who enter the mansion, but she'll never hurt anyone with her power.

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