AB-5150 "Exodus"

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World: n/a

Location: lives with his creator

Name: AB-5150 (numerical designation), Exodus (given name)

Nickname: n/a

Alias: n/a

Gender: Male programming

Age: technically 7 years old, but has the intelligence of a 20 year old

Species: Robot

Occupation: being destructive to the planet (formerly), assisting Dr. Harmony

Description: white synthetic "skin", hazel eyes, various yellow coloring on his body, artificial white and gray "hair


Personality: lacks a definitive personality due to being a robot, but has exhibited a few traits: destructive (in the past), indifferent, hidden caring side

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Personality: lacks a definitive personality due to being a robot, but has exhibited a few traits: destructive (in the past), indifferent, hidden caring side

Weapon: various weapons he installed in himself during his time of being rogue

Power: same as YZ-2112

Bio: A robot created by Dr. Grace Harmony. He was her first creation. He went rogue for some time due to a severe bug in his programming. It caused him to become destructive, but he was able to have the bug removed thanks to the efforts of his "little sister" YZ-2112 and Dr. Harmony. The trio now live together in peace.

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