Clara Orissa

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World: Monster High: New Ghoul in School (Monster High games/series)

Location: Monster High

Name: Clara Orissa

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 853

Species: Vampire

Occupation: Student, member of the student council, member of the fearleading team

Description: pale peach skin, very light blue eyes, purple-ish hair tied in a ponytail

Looks: n/a

Personality: observant, ambitious, slightly emotional at times

Weapon(s): none, unless fangs count

Power/Skill: basic vampire abilities, moderate fearleading proficiency, good at finding things

Bio: Being on both the student council and the fearleading team makes Clara one busy ghoul, but she doesn't mind. As long as she has something to work towards, she'll be alright.
Fun fact: She was named after a nice normie (human) named Clarice that her parents knew from back in 1109.

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