Kaitlyn (Pokémon Masters EX)

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World: Pokémon Masters EX (Pokémon series, spin-off)

Location: Pasio

Name: Kaitlyn

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Species: Human

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, participant in the Pokémon Masters League

Description: peach skin, bluish eyes, dark brunette hair that's usually tied back in a hat

Looks: n/a

Personality: friendly, a bit clumsy, fun-loving

Weapon: her Pokémon, namely her partner Pikachu

Power/Skill: knowledge of Pokémon and Pokémon training, makes friends easily, can potentially sync with more than one Pokémon

Bio: Hearing of the PML, Kaitlyn set off to Pasio to explore and see how far she could get in the competition. She hopes to make some friends and battle companions along the way.

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