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World: n/a

Location: Earth

Name: Denver

Nickname: Denny

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Species: Ghost (formerly human, died in a freak explosion)

Occupation: Scientist

Description: light skin, brown eyes, light blond hair usually in a braid

Looks: n/a

Personality: analytical, mild mannered, curious

Weapon(s): her intelligence...and various chemicals. Also ghostly abilities.

Power/Skill: general scientific knowledge, can phase through walls/doors

Bio: Denver was a brilliant scientist who worked with and learned much from her mentor, Cheyenne. But the woman had a great ambition: to control life and death. Denver tried to put a halt to this plan, but was too late as Cheyenne's latest experiment exploded, ending both their lives. Now a ghost, Denver continues to study various thing in order to stop her former mentors devious plan; after all, she knew for a fact that not even death would stop that madwoman from trying to bring her plan to light...

Favorite Periodic Element: Radium

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