Jacqueline Hallow

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World: n/a

Location: Hallow's Mansion

Name: Jacqueline Hallow

Nickname: Jackie (by Holly), pumpkin girl

Gender: Female

Age: around 1,000-2,000 years old, physically looks 24

Species: Human (personification)

Occupation: personification of Halloween, overseer of the paranormal

Description: semi pale skin, light blue-ish eyes, dark hair


Personality: calm, mildly brooding, intelligent, conniving, slightly cynical

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Personality: calm, mildly brooding, intelligent, conniving, slightly cynical

Weapon: spirits and the undead

Power/skill: necromancy, minor shadow magic, medium, Halloween spirit

Bio: The personification of Halloween, and keeper of the Halloween spirit. She does her best to ensure that every Halloween is scary (fun) for everyone. She gets along best with the creatures of the night. Her boss figure is the Headless Horseman. She accompanies him to meetings as the secondary representative of Halloween.

Extra info:

-She's always aware of how much horror someone can take. Her ghost friend refers to this ability as her 'scare sense'.

-She can sneak up on anyone easily in order to scare them. Or say hi. Whatever she feels like doing at the time.

-She's aware that Christmas considers her a close friend. The feeling is mutual, though it's unlikely she'd ever state that outright.

-She's surprisingly good with children.

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