Trina Jayhawk (MySims Kingdom)

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World: MySims Kingdom (Wii)

Location: Capital Island

Name: Trina Jayhawk

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Species: Sim (human)

Occupation: Royal Wandolier

Description: same as the other Trina's

Looks: tba

Personality: adventurous, kind, thoughtful, creative

Weapon: Wandolier wand (less of a weapon and more of a tool)

Power: construction (can make/move items with the wand), deletion (can remove items with the wand), painting (can paint items with the wand), can communicate with the unicorn statue (random perk? idk, it happened in-game)

Bio: The one and only Wandolier under King Roland. She was an ordinary Sim until the fateful day she participated in and won the contest to decide the next Wandolier. She underwent a journey with her best friends Buddy and Lyndsay to help rebuild the kingdom. She continues to help people with her power whenever she can...even if said power can only be used in certain areas.

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