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The bell signalling the end of homeroom rang, sending us on our merry ways to whatever class we had next. I never bothered to remember my schedule as it changed anyway, that and I really couldn't care less about English finishing at 11:15 on a Monday.

This morning I had history. I hadn't been in about 2 weeks so I have no clue what we were meant to be learning about, maybe it was time to find out. Before I began to make my way to the classroom, I decided to fill up my water bottle at the nearby tap.

Much to my surprise, I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hello, hello, hello." Nick began, greeting me with a slight smirk on his face.

"Fancy seeing you here," I replied, using my elbow to push him out of the way so I could use the tap.

"I believe you have history next, right?" He asked, stepping to the side in an attempt to dodge my elbow.

"I believe that's correct." I responded, the noise of water splashing in my bottle echoing through the near-empty corridor. 

"With Ms. King?" He asked again, although I'm pretty sure he already new the answer.

"Your guess is as good as mine." I replied as I flicked off the tap.

"I think you are, in which case your with me!" He exclaimed, I simply rolled my eyes in response.

Nick held his arm out to link with mine, I stared at the gesture briefly before opting to ignore it, the two of us then began in the direction of our classroom. Similarly to yesterday, Nick did most of talking, the only difference was that my lack of talking wasn't awkward - it felt balanced.

We took a slightly longer route to class than one I would have expected from Nick but arrived only ten minutes late, with a semi-relevant excuse.

"Miss L/N!" Our teacher greeted us. "It's great to finally be graced with your presence! I hope you don't find it too difficult to catch up with your peers. Please take a seat. You too, Nick."

I quickly scanned the classroom. There were a few empty seats but I opted for one closer to the back of the class, placing my bag at my feat before dropping down into my seat. Nick found one of his many friends and took what I presumed to be a usual seat near them.

After about fifty minutes of information about the evolution of America's system of government drifting through one ear and out the other, the sound of the bell echoed through the corridor and our teacher dismissed us.

I left quickly, shouldering my bag and pushing through the heavy throng of students, not allowing my teacher to pull me aside to chat about my attendance. Before I knew it I managed to get to my second class of the day, on time.

I scanned the faces of students crowded around the classroom door, none that I recognised instantly, before our teacher pushed open the door. He looked surprised to see me on time, as did most of my classmates, but I paid him no mind when I took my seat.

I occupied myself throughout that class by staring out the window, although I opted to pretend to be interested in whatever my teacher was saying when I caught a glimpse of a couple sticking their tongues down each others throats.

Our teacher saw it too, although I have to admire the fact that he chose to ignore the two and attempted to keep composure whilst some kids in the middle snickered at the beetroot red state of his face.

Not long after we were dismissed for lunch break, I headed out to my usual spot and pulled out my headphones, plugging one bud in each ear. I sat with my eyes closed, attempting to recall the name of the teacher in my last class when my right earbud was yanked out.

"Hello Nick." I didn't even need to open my eyes today, I knew it could only be Nick who would have the gall to interrupt my music.

"Hi there Y/N. I sent Wilbur a DM today." He replied, I could hear an amused tone in his voice.

"Has he seen it yet?" I questioned, opening one eye to see him standing over me.

"No, but he will-" His statement was cut off by my laughter.

"At least your optimistic." I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I didn't know you had a funny bone, L/N." He quipped, matching my sarcastic tone.

"Touché." I finished.

 He took a seat to my left, placing the earbud in his ear and resuming the position we had yesterday, leaning against the elm tree.


This chapter is shorter than I would have liked but I'm content with that. Just wanted to let ya'll know that updates have been slow because I recently had Covid and shortly afterwards went to visit my family. I'm all good now, just felt kind of shit or a while and was then super busy.

Thank you all for remaining super supportive of my writing :)

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now