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Overall, dinner at Nick's house was better than anticipated. Sure, I didn't expect the kiss - my first kiss, no less - but small talk with his parents wasn't unbearable. Before I left, Nick told me he would pick me up early Sunday morning, not as a date, more a hang-out between friends. 

That meant I had one day to kill, before I would see Nick again. Upon waking up, I decided it was probably best to check on my 'business partner' later tonight, just to make sure they weren't too disappointed in my absence.

That meant I had around eight hours to kill.

"Hey Dad!" I shouted aimlessly down the hall, unsurprised to be given no response. 

Walking in the direction I shouted, I made my way down the hall towards Dad's room. Using my hip, I nudged the door so it would open enough for me to peek through, finding my Dad completely unconscious on the other side.

As far as I know, Diana wouldn't have given him any alcohol last night, as she's trying to get him off the stuff, and he didn't drink at all when we got home. He wasn't hungover, just tired - and probably not up to the idea of going to see a movie with me. This meant I would have to find something else to keep me occupied.

I started at the fridge, deciding to make myself some breakfast to start.For some reason, I had a craving for pancakes this morning, but when I opened the carton of milk, I found it had gone sour, as it was at least three days past its use by date.

It seemed like another microwave meal would do the trick. I soon found an untouched packet of butter chicken, which sounded sufficient, although not breakfast food. While heating it up, I scrolled aimlessly through my phone until the beeping of the microwave indicated my food was ready.

I grabbed a fork and brought the food to my room. I continued to scroll through my phone until I came up with an idea, one that could be potentially time consuming. Although it may later come across as stalker-ish or obsessive, I decided to try to find Nick's streaming profile.

My search began with a simple 'Nick', which served me no use, as I only found one of the Jonas brothers and a few actors I had never heard of. Next, I searched for 'Nick Gaming', which led me to a link to a Nickelodeon website, along with a few random YouTube channels.

For my third and final search I simply typed in 'Nick Sapnap'. This resulted in millions of results, many of which were fan-art, edits or Twitter links, but one caught my eye - Twitch. I had heard of the platform before, and I knew there were a load of massive gamers on there. I was unsurprised Nick had amassed a little over two million followers on the site.

I noticed the little Fireball logo first, with a small bandana identical to the one he wore almost everywhere. Just next to the logo, a video popped up with the subscript 'Check out this JackBox stream from yesterday'. 

I hit full screen on the video, grabbed some headphones from my bedside table, and began to listen. Almost immediately, the noises of the now-familiar music he shared with me filled my ears. I turned the volume down just a touch, listening to the music. At first, this music would have bothered me, but now I didn't mind it so much.

After about 10 minutes of the music, Nick's voice began to come through the headphones, now singing the songs - just as badly as he does under the elm tree. Once the chorus of the song passed, he turned the music down, now addressing the people watching, who he had titled 'chat'.

"Hey chat, we're looking at doing a JackBox stream today. You guys eat 'em up, so I figured I'd bring in some of your favourites." He paused for a moment, and I took the time to read the comments flying past in the bottom left-hand-corner of my screen.

Most of them seemed to guess a few potential candidates for these guests. Before I could ponder who they could be, Nick began talking again.

"We've got Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, Fundy, Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur joining us today, and maybe a few others later on."

For the next half an hour or so, I watched as Nick introduced all his friends, and they cracked some jokes as they began to get into the game.

JackBox, to my understanding, was a video game full of mini-games, all of which resulted in many funny, embarrassing and awkward moments - making it perfect to play in front of hundreds of thousands of people, live!

They started with a round of Quiplash, which resulted in a few jokes about 'Dream not Found' and 'Rat', which you had to remember to ask Nick about when you saw him tomorrow. Overall, you found the game hilarious.

They played a few games of 'Madverse City', ultimately involving the nine boys (and random robot guy) to battle it out in an attempt to roast each other. This game was again quite funny, and you made a mental note to introduce Sapnap to free verse poetry, as it seemed he would be good at finding the right words.

The final game they played was called 'Survive the Internet', and was by far my favourite. They took turns answering questions, and then using the other player's answers to make comments and captions that sound awful.


After watching the stream, I found myself compelled to another. Before long, I had watched the past three streams on Nick's Twitch page and needed to get ready to go. For a moment, I sat in my room, thinking about whether I actually needed to go to the other side of town for a small chunk of cash. 

I looked back down at my phone, another three and a half hour stream loaded and waiting to play on my phone. Instead of heading out the door, I kicked off my shoes and flopped back down onto my bed, hitting play on Nick's next stream.

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now