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"How do you feel about having lunch for breakfast?" Nick broke the silence first.

I cocked my eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Like go to a diner and dip fries in a thick shake while we wait for our burgers." 

The way Nick said this so nonchalantly made me feel as though he did this quite regularly. The concept of going to the diner this early really perplexed me - sure there would be people getting breakfast, but this wasn't a luxury I was used to.

"Alright, sure," I replied. However bizarre this felt, I was up for trying something new.

Nick nodded in approval, a wide grin spreading across his face as he took a turn onto the main road. It was surprisingly busy at this hour, all traffic in front of us slowing due to the crowded conditions of the street.

As we drove past shop windows, I took note of the people along the street. There were plenty of people with take-away coffees out and about for their early morning walks. This number was about equal to the drunk or hungover stragglers from the night before.

Before long, traffic had pulled to a complete hault, stopping completely due to the ridiculous amount of cars attempting to use the main road.

"I'm gonna use one of the side streets, find a park down there. I'm not dealing with this traffic." Nick began explaining as he pulled a sharp u-turn to head back the way we came. He then quickly turned onto one of the many streets that webbed off towards the outer parts of town.

After driving till the road was almost entirely clear, Nick pulled his car to the side of the road and parked.

"Let's grab some breakfast!" He exclaimed, clearly excited about going out on a legitimate date with me.

We both clambered out of the car, Nick locking the doors, before heading back the way we came, towards the main road, on foot. I glanced at Nick out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't tell if he was bored or slightly nervous. Looking down at his hands, I decided he was nervous. 

Nick was fiddling with the cuffs of his hoodie, giving him something to do with his hands. Swiftly, I grabbed hold of his hand, linking my fingers with his and watching as the same grin, this time paired with a slight blush, spread across his face.

Nick looked down at his feet, before finally turning to look me in the eyes. 

"Are you sure you're, like, okay with this?" He asked.

"What are you talking about? Of course, I am!" I replied, trying not to yell.

"It's just, I dunno. People talk." I again cocked my eyebrow, hinting at him to elaborate. "Some people, complete and utter assholes, they think that..." He trailed off again. 

"Whatever it is, I'm going to hear it sooner or later. I'd rather hear it from you." I replied, ensuring the bluntness in my tone shone through.

Nick took a deep breath before stating simply, "they think you're a slut," matching my blunt tone. "They think you only talk to me 'cause you reckon I'll have sex with you. All the talking under the tree, the sharing earbuds - the PDA - is making people think you'll only talk to me if I stick my dick in you."

That was not what I expected.

"What the fuck! What the actual fuck is wrong with people? This is exactly why I've not spoken to anyone my entire time in High School."

When I tell you I was fucking pissed, trust me, I was pissed. All those self-entitled assholes may as well be dead to me.

"I've got an idea." Nick began.

"What?" I asked, trying to avoid directing any of the venom in my voice at Nick.

"Minecraft grieving in real life."

"What?" I asked again, any hostility completely drowned out by my confusion.

"Let's go break something, burn something. Get absolutely blind drunk or high as fuck. You tell me where to go, and I'll drive. Let's just be immature together." 

Although whatever I was going to do in the next hour would break every single one of the rules I had set for myself, I knew I couldn't say no to that grin.


Short-ish chapter to get back into things. Sorry about my absence for the one-thousand of you who have read this story (get used to it, I suck at remembering to update). Hopefully I'll update a little more regularly until this story is done.

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now